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Tips 'n' Tricks: On the Rise with Rose

If you want to jump-start your life and bring about positive change, tap into the power of the rose and red stones. Stones of this side of the color spectrum contain life’s energy and can help you become more motivated, more energetic, and more vibrant, and also give you and appealing aura. Wear this list of rosy and red stones or place them on your desk and throughout your home for an instant boost: alexandrite, carnelian, garnet, red coral, red jasper, rhyolite, rose jasper, and ruby.

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Elixir of Ecstasy: DIY Crystal Magic

Elixirs are very simple potions made by placing a crystal or gemstone in a glass of water for at least seven hours. Remove the stone and drink the “crystallized” water. The water will now carry the vibrational energy of the stone, the very essence of the crystal. This is one of the easiest ways to take in crystal healing, and it is immediate. The red stones always hold the “lust for life,” so to push the envelope, put as many red stones into your elixir as you can get your hands on. Gather the following:

  • Red stones and crystals such as carnelian, garnet, rough ruby, red coral, red jade, red jasper, red sardonyx, cuprite, aventurine, or red calcite
  • Jar or glass full of water
  • Amber incense
  • Red candle

Mix and match the red stones, and remember, if you only have access to one rough ruby and a tiny chunk of red jasper, so be it—that is still a lot of love in a jar!

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Bonds of Love: Seduction Spell

For heightened and sustained erotic pleasure, try this sacred spell. Gather up these elements:

  • 2 goblets
  • 2 roses, 1 red and 1 white (“fire and ice”)
  • Nutmeg
  • Fine red wine
  • 1 yard of red thread
  • Red ink and a slip of paper
  • Rose essential oil
  • Bowl of strawberries

Sprinkle a dash of nutmeg in each goblet. Uncork a bottle of fine red wine for later, allowing it to breathe.

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Looking for New Love: A New Moon Candle Spell
If you are “lookin’ for love” and feel like you need the physical release of sex, perform this spell and you will find a lover quickly. This ritual should be performed on the first new moon night for the greatest power. Gather up these supplies:
  • 2 pieces of rose quartz
  • 2 red candles
Take the pieces of rose quartz and place them on the floor in the center of your bedroom. Light both red candles and use this affirming chant twice:
Beautiful crystal I hold this night,
flame with love for my delight.
Goddess of Love, I ask of you guide me in the path that is true.
Harm to none as love comes to me.
This I ask and so it shall be.
Now, make yourself ready!
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Enticement Enchantment: That Special Someone Spell

This is the perfect spell of enchantment to use when you have met a “special someone” and you wish to enhance your personal charm and magnetism. With this invocation, you are sure to attract your heart’s desire! You will need the following supplies:

  • 1 red candle
  • 1 pink candle
  • Essential oil (jasmine and rose have very powerful love vibrations to attract and charm a lover)


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Sanctify Your Love: Altar Dedication

Here at your magical power source, you can “sanctify your love.” Collect your tools as well as meaningful symbols and erotic iconography and prepare for the sacred rituals of love.

You’ll need:

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Aphrodisiacal Altar: Feeding the Fire of Love

To prepare for new relationships and to deepen the expression of feeling and intensity of your lovemaking, you have to create a center from which to renew your erotic spirit: your altar. Here, you can concentrate your energy, clarify your intentions, and make wishes come true! If you already have an altar, incorporate some special elements to enhance your sex life. As always, the more you use your altar, the more powerful your spells will be.

Your altar can sit on a low table, a big box, or any flat surface you decorate and dedicate to magic. One friend of mine has her sexy shrine at the head of her bed. Another girlfriend has hers in a cozy closet complete with a nest-like bed for magical trysts.

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