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Posted by on in Culture Blogs

 Salem witch trials a turning point for ...

If you intentionally kill someone, are you legally responsible for their death?

If you intend to kill someone, but get caught before you succeed, do you still bear legal responsibility?

Is it possible to kill someone with magic?

If you intentionally kill someone with magic, are you legally responsible for their death?

If you intend to kill someone with magic, but get caught before you succeed, do you still bear legal responsibility?

If you've answered “yes” to all these questions, you're down with witch trials, right?

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Posted by on in Culture Blogs


Yes I am a witch

Yes I have flown to the Sabbat

Yes I have seen the Dark Man from Boston

Yes I have signed his Book

Yes I have drunk his Wine

Yes I have danced to his Piping

Yes I have suffered him

to know me per ano

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