Really, I didn't mean to insult the guy.
A library book that I'd ordered had come in, but I couldn't find it on the reserve shelf. Finally I gave up and went to check with a librarian.
The cute straight guy with the big beard came over to help me. The book had been misfiled on another shelf, but he managed to locate it right away.
“Thanks: I could have looked all day and not found that,” I say, taking the book and shaking my head. “Librarian's intuition.”
There was an awkward pause. I'd intended a compliment, but instead I'd just insulted him.
I'd been riffing, of course, off the phrase “women's intuition.” Inadvertently, I'd just compared him to a woman, which of course—as every man knows—is the most insulting thing that you can do to another man.
Gods. Two (I'm intuiting here, myself) feminist guys, and it's still an insult for one to compare the other to a woman. I'd probably even insulted his choice of careers by implying that it wasn't sufficiently manly work.
I'm sorry, but that is so f*cked.
It's an old, old story. Famously, in ancient Athens, a youth was tried for having murdered his lover.
Don't worry Steven, we're human beings I'm sure that no matter what we'll keep finding new ways to f*ck things up and say stupid s