When I was taking my first steps on the Old Way, the books all said: don't try this alone; that way lies danger.
Well, they were right about the danger, but, as for the rest, there were no other options.
So I'd go down to the woods by myself at night, light the fire, and make the magic.
And it was the real thing.
That's how we all started off in those days: by breaking the rules. It's not a bad way to start. If you survive, you can't get better training than that.
In time, I found my tribe, and Witch Hazel was right: together we're stronger.
But still I'd go down to the woods by myself at night, light the fire, and make the magic.
And it was still the real thing.
One of Wicca's great weaknesses is that it's all about the group; it makes no provision for individual practice. 'Thou mayest not be a witch alone,' says the Book of Shadows.