My new Affirmations with the Tarot eBook is now available! Woohoo! 20 affirmations for EACH card. That's 1,560 affirmations!
Affirmations are a wonderful compliment to gratitude practice, and help steer your emotions, thought processes and life in the direction you want to go. Coupling them with the symbolic images of Tarot makes them even more powerful.
Finding a deck that really connected with my personal energy became a daunting task. There were very few that allowed me to see myself in them, being a fat/black/queer woman. Dust II Onyx Tarot was created from my desire to make artwork that resonated with my soul, and now has become a work I want to share with others. I set out to create my own deck, and after months of not having a vision for what it’d look like a dream came to me. Then it came to me again. In the dream was an intensely gorgeous black portrait which has become the inspiration behind this deck. I began the work using my current knowledge of tarot and mostly my own intuition. The imagery that comes forth is as new to me as it is for the readers who will use this deck. It is coming from a place that is far beyond my conscious mind. -- Courtney Alexander, creator of the Dust II Onyx Melanated Tarot Deck
Although some would argue that this deck is for "people of color", I would maintain that it's a deck for everyone--especially those who see the world through universal archetypes, symbols and shared human experience.
It seems a long time since I've written, but it's taking a long time to fill the kiln! I'm making smallish pieces, and it's a pretty large orifice! However, I started working on some larger pieces today... watch this space.
For those of you following the adventures in clay, here's the Fool. I've got a lot of work to do on these, and I think I'm going to be moving away from using the forms in order to start to craft my own. That's going to take time, but the awesome thing is that once I have made the original, then I can make my own sprig molds from that. This means I can keep my originality, but also keep the price down. Win win, right? Watch this space. I think I rather fancy doing the Tower next... and maybe working on some more creative pieces, too.
I saw those words on a bumper sticker this morning and they made me cry. Why? Because in the last year, who I wanted to be got overshadowed by who other people needed me to be. Things that were important to me, like working with my tarot cards, writing my books, articles and blogs, knitting my sweaters, and playing with my clay got shoved to the back burner while I performed duties that others needed of me. My New Year's resolution was to find myself again, and by gods, I'm going to do just that.
Within the next few weeks I'm returning to a project that I started nearly three years ago. I make pottery masks, and I have always wanted to do a series on the tarot. I think embarking on the whole deck may be a bit ambitious--at least at the start--but I do think I can execute the creation of the majors, all embodied in a 'green man' type of wall-hanging. It feels good to have a vision, and a goal, again.
When I was a solitary practitioner, I rarely thought of the gods beyond “which one would be right to invoke for this spell?” In hindsight, this was pretty selfish and a ridiculous way for me to treat deity. We don’t make demands of our gods… and when we do, we usually reap a quick and brutal lesson to not do THAT again. Fortunately, the gods that I invoked, summoned, and stirred were kind to me when I was new to the Craft and I didn’t have to learn a harsh lesson.
Earlier this year the Chrysalis Tarot by Toney Brooks and Holly Sierra made its way to #1 on my must have list. I had been following the creation of this deck on facebook and checking in regularly with Toney's blog. Not long after I wrote my must have post I finally got a copy of this gorgeous deck in my hands.
Holly Serria the artist for this deck went above and beyond with the packaging. Everything about the packaging was done with the consumer in mind. The littlest details made a huge impact as I unwrapped each layer. It did not surprise me at all to find out how quickly the first release of this deck through U.S Games sold out.
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Asatru and Heathen people from the US started avoiding the term "wight" after an international incident in which a famous author, who should have know...
Steven Posch
Your good will is a light to us all, Janet. Thanks.
If I were a political cartoonist, today's cartoon should show an elephant mounting a donkey.
Gods ...
Iris Soleil De Lis
You missed April Fools Day by quite a margin here. At least I assume this is a joke, because the title is exactly opposite the content that follows. T...
Steven Posch
Poppy Seed or Walnut Filling
Beat 3 egg whites until stiff. (Use yolks in dough.) Mix whole egg with 1/2 cup honey, 1 teaspoon vanilla, and 1 pound gr...
Anthony Gresham
I looked up potica on Google. There are a fair number of recipes out there but I don't see any with poppy seeds and apricots. Could you get your fri...