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Pagan News Beagle: Earthy Thursday, July 23

It's Earthy Thursday once more, our weekly news post about nature and science. This week we bring you stories about those magnificent, high-reaching biological structures we commonly know as "trees." Can you email a tree? How about build a church out of living trees? And are trees good for your health? All this and more for the Pagan News Beagle!

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Pagan News Beagle: Earthy Thursday, July 16

When we think of the natural world are first instinct is probably to imagine a lush forest or a verdant meadow. If we're thinking outside of the box we might imagine a frozen tundra or semi-arid savannah instead. But the Earth is only just one part of the natural world and a small part at that. That's right: for Earthy Thursday this week we take a look outside of Earth, at the many worlds of our universe beyond! Read about China's plans to visit the Moon, the geography of mars, and the New Horizons mission to Pluto in the distant reaches of our solar system. All this and more for the Pagan News Beagle!

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