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Fiery Tuesday News & Opinion

Here at the Pagan News Beagle, I've decided to have themes for each day of the week, based on my version of the Five Elements. (Air, Fire, Water, Earth, and Spirit.) Plus, a "Science for Pagans" feed for the weekend. It keeps things interesting for me in organizing what stories to share. Hopefully it will be interesting for you, too!

Tuesday -- whose name comes from the Norse god Tiuw, often also related to the Roman god Mars -- I'm dedicating to the Element of Fire, and articles related to activism, politics, and passion. 

Here's today's Fiery stories:

From the Atlantic, Emma Green writes about the Supreme Court Decision to strike down restrictions on protesters at abortion clinics.

In response to the Supreme Court ruling on Monday (and other issues), Pagan blogger Beth Owl's Daughter asks us to call upon Hecate for justice and protection.

Here's a question: who's more rage-ful -- Democrats or Republicans? This story in Psychology Today describes a "rage" survey with some interesting answers. 

The HuffPo has fun imagining other (outrageous) ways in which "religious freedom trumps the law of the land" could be implemented: religious nudity, anyone? It's against my religion to put on clothes! (Heck, even Biblical literalists should like this one, since Adam and Eve were all nekkid and suchlike until that nasty serpent tempted them into sin!)

Last, but not least: in the category of Passion, Geekocracy brings us the story of a female broadsword champion.

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