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Explore ways in which you can easily deepen and sharpen your own practical magic by incorporating methods of divination and spirit-work. There's a little something for everyone in this hoodoo gumbo!
A Simple Conjure Lamp for Money
You’ve found yourself in need of a boost to your financial prosperity, and don’t have the time, means, &/or inclination to go out and buy a bunch of fancy-schmancy exotic herbs, oil, candles and everything else?
Some down-home conjure can help you on your way!
Magic doesn’t have to be complicated or heavily ritualistic. It can be right at hand, and performed with some whispered prayer. A walk through your kitchen and perhaps a quick trip to the grocery store will yield all the supplies needed for a beautiful and effective ritual working to manifest to extra money!
Money-Drawing Lamp
- Orange (for more long-lasting prosperity manifestation, if you need it in a hurry and don’t need/expect the money flow to be ongoing use a tangerine)
- Cinnamon stick, to bring quick financial abundance
- Whole dried Bay leaf, for success in your endeavors
- Sugar (green (money-colored) cake decoration sugar can be a nice touch, or the light golden hue of raw or light brown sugar or organc cane sugar is also lovely. Plain white sugar will also work just fine) or honey - to sweeten your luck, life, and those around you who are in positions to help
- Sunflower oil - for the Solar connotations of success, wealth, abundance, and regeneration
- Cotton ball which has been twisted into a point at one end, or a floating wick, or aarti lamp wick
- Permanent marker (fine-tipped), for writing your petition
- Some shiny coins, &/or tear a couple of corners off some of your paper money (not enough to destroy the bill). If you’ll be tearing corners off of dollar bills, try to choose a $20 bill or higher if you have easy access to them - otherwise, whatever you have around will suffice. You want to use a bit of whatever it is you are trying to attract, as like-attracts-like, and in this case it’s money, so definitely use some real money in your work!
- If there is a particular God, spirit, saint, or other helper for money matters feel free to include a small symbol of them at the bottom of the orange as well – or you may choose to place the orange lamp onto their altar and address your petition to them.
Caveat: As the lamp is made from an orange, it will not last indefinitely. This lamp is suited to a limited-time working – such as 7 or 9-days. If you wish to craft a vegetable oil lamp to be a perpetual flame on your petition, use a glass, clay, or metal bowl – you can then add dried orange peel to the herbal contents on the bottom for the magical effects of the orange.
Putting it Together:
As you do all of the following work, keep your intention firmly in mind. Perform all these actions with reverence, and with a mind for WHY you are performing each action, and with a grateful manner towards the spirits of the various herbs and curios you are working with. With each step, ask the spirits of the herbs to aid you in manifesting your needs, and ask your God/dess or other spirit helpers to help empower your work and bring your desires into being. As you work KNOW that these actions will be successful in bringing you what you need - CLAIM your success.
1. Halve an orange and hollow it out. If necessary, slice off a small sliver of the peel at the bottom so that it will sit stable and flat. Make sure not to cut all the way through the rind, or else it will not contain the oil.
2. Take a fine-tipped permanent marker and carefully write your petition on the bay leaf in positive language, such as “I have all the money needed to take a summer vacation to New York City”, or “My home business brings in $XXXX each and every month”.
Tips on writing petitions: If you need a specific amount, then absolutely specify that exact amount on your petition. If you need it by a certain date, absolutely specific that specific date as well. If you are working towards a specific purchse, then specify that. This way you are being quite explicit with Spirit as to what you need and when you need it by, and what you need it for! You’re much more likely to have your petition fulfilled the way you desire if you actually state your desires – don’t be vauge if at all possible. Otherwise, don’t be disappointed when you need $250, but only petition for “more money” ,and end up finding a stray $5 bill on the street in answer to your work!
3. Break a cinnamon stick in two and place it in a X shape on the bottom – crossroads, opening the way, etc. If you want/need you can push the ends of the sticks slightly into the orange rind to brace them so they don’t float.
4. Place the bay leaf on the bottom of the orange in the center of the cinnamon crossroads.
5. Place a teaspoon of sugar or a good large dollop of honey on top of the bay
leaf to help weigh it down.
6. Arrange any coins, pieces of cash, and any other symbols in an attractive manner on the bottom of the orange. Let your intuition and Spirit lead you.
7. Slowly pour the sunflower oil into the loaded orange-bowl in a clockwise motion. Try to pour gently so as not to overly disturb the herbal contents in the bottom.
If you have any favorite magical money-drawing oil blends on hand, you may add a few drops to the lamp at this point. I like to use 5 drops, added in a 5-spot crossroads pattern to help open the way for its manifestation - 1 at the top, 1 at the bottom, 1 to the right, 1 to the left, and 1 in the center to lock it all in.
8. When the orange is full of oil, take your wick and gently place it in the center of the orange, resting on the center point of herbal contents. If you’re using cotton wicks, you’ll need to dunk it a few times so it absorbs the oil and then will sink with the wick part sticking above the oil line.
9. Place your orange oil lamp onto a saucer or plate, and carefully place it onto the altar or other area you have dedicated to this work. If you wish on the outer rim of the saucer or plate you may surround the orange with other coins, ground cinnamon, &/or drizzles of sugar/honey. If you are particularly artistic, feel free to draw symbols of prosperity with the ground cinnamon or honey. If you’ve been having problems with people meddling in your financial affairs or otherwise causing monetary stress for you, sprinkle some brown and white mustard seeds around the lamp.
10. Prayerfully light the wick.
11. Check on your oil lamp regularly and refill the oil as needed. Don’t let it get too low, or you’ll get a big sloppy flame on your cotton wick, and may find that your herbal contents catch fire…you don’t want this to happen! Each time you check your lamp, say a further prayer/affirmation for the manifestation of your goal. Use your fire safely common sense, and make sure to snuff your lamp out whenever you cannot be nearby to chaparone it.
Disposing of the Work:
When you are finished working the lamp, let the bulk of the oil burn off so there is minimal oil left in the lamp. Remove the coins, wash them, and then use them to make purchases that will help you increase your abundance - such as for new work clothes, office supplies, or other things directly related to bringing you money. Take the orange and the rest of the contents and bury them in your front yard, near your front doorstep if possible.
Expanding on the Work:
This technique can easily be adapted for many different uses, by switching out what fruit you use as the bowl, and what herbs/curios you load your lamp with.
Some other ideas include:
Coconut – Use for peace. Olive oil would be a good choice of oil for peace work.
Orange – long-lasting results in money or love
Tangerine – quick, fast results in money or love
Lemon – for severing unhealthy emotional attachments to people, places, or things.
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