Crystal People: Making the Connection
Enter into an in-depth discussion about the world of the Crystal People. In this blog spot we will explore the truth that crystals are sentient beings and learn how to connect with them. We’ll cover all areas of quartz crystal such as how they form, methods of cleansing, clearing and programming, how and why to make crystal grids and other tools, how and where to dig your own crystals and much more.
Animals also benefit from crystal grids. My umbrella cockatoo, Daisy, is particularly high strung. She was going nutty from hormones and frustration because her mate was not responding to her advances. Guess who she thinks her “mate” is? That's right, it's me. It makes for an awkward situation. I was starting to approach my wits end because she was so nervous, jittery and cranky. There was really nothing I could do to help her. Well, Crystal People to the rescue!
I placed a grid on her cage. In Daisy's case, I choose to use amethyst because of its calming energies. I chose amethyst clusters in particular because they were large enough not to fall through the bars on the top of her cage. I cleansed, cleared and programmed the crystals to assist Daisy to be calm and happy. I asked her Spirit Guides, and any helpers that may be present who work with animals, birds in particular, to please help. I placed the amethyst clusters on each of the four corners of her cage, said a small prayer and she became less cranky and noticeably calmer.
Recently her frustration level has been increasing. I added a Selenite oval to the center of the four-point Amethyst grid, to introduce soothing angelic energies and to help the Amethyst remain cleansed.
The crystal on Daisy's cage is an example of a semi-permanent grid. I leave the crystals on her cage, but I can move them if and when I need to.
I touch-in with the crystals daily when I put her to bed and cleanse and charge them as needed.
Daisy's grid is also a perfect example of using different crystal types as well as altering the grid as the situation warrants. Just be sure to remember that gridding is a fluid endeavor.
As discussed earlier, you can do this with dogs, cats, even fish. Remember, though, that it is safest to put the crystal on the outside corners of your fish tank, not inside.
Any animal you have can benefit from your use of a crystal grid to help them. You just need to cleanse, clear, program and intend. It's as easy as that.
Once your grid is in place, if there has been a change in activity (such as a quarrel or something that has introduced negative energy into the environment, or intense healing work), cleanse your grid. If this seems daunting, remember you can cleanse your crystals without moving or touching them.
Be sure to reconnect and reinforce your grid on a regular basis. Remember to energetically charge your grid during the full moon while you're at it.
You may build a grid for your plants and trees so that they grow and thrive. Grids can be placed to attract fairies and elementals, if that is your intention. Your property can be gridded for protection, love, healing and positivity. All of these grids in place at once is what we refer to as layering grids.
Don't forget to cleanse the crystals periodically and touch base to reconnect and reaffirm your intention within the grid. Use your etheric cord connection to reinforce your grids. This means you will need to connect with the crystals before you make the grid. You don't have to hold each one and go through the entire process individually. Select the ones you want to use in your grid, and connect with them as a group. You will be working with them collectively, so this is a better idea than individually connecting, anyway.
After cleansing and clearing, visualize the intent and goal that you have for the grid. Next, ask the crystals to hold that intention for you; that is programming the grid. Finally, offer your thanks and gratitude for their continued assistance.
You might choose to grid your indoor plants as well.
I like to place crystal chunks and pieces in the pots surrounding the plants in the house. They seem to grow better.
You might also consider creating a permanent grid, placed in the pot before you add all the dirt. This grid will stay there, so remember what I said in an earlier post about selecting crystals appropriate to permanent versus temporary grids. As a reminder, if you know the crystals in the grid will be inaccessible (like the ones built into the subfloor of my bedroom) you might choose empathic crystals (which are still very powerful) versus jewelry quality or large, AAA grade crystals.
Remember these few things: crystal grids can be reprogrammed as the need arises, they need to be cleansed and charged with intent periodically (this lets the crystals know you haven't forgotten they are working on your behalf) and remember to be thankful to your gridded crystals for assisting you to hold and run your intentions.
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