Crystal People: Making the Connection
Enter into an in-depth discussion about the world of the Crystal People. In this blog spot we will explore the truth that crystals are sentient beings and learn how to connect with them. We’ll cover all areas of quartz crystal such as how they form, methods of cleansing, clearing and programming, how and why to make crystal grids and other tools, how and where to dig your own crystals and much more.
Permanent grids versus temporary grids are also a determining factor in crystal choice.
In a temporary grid it is ok to use crystals that you might want to use later for something else. For example the ten-inch optically clear Channeler I mentioned in my last post might be perfect for use in a temporary grid. Another example of a temporary grid might be one you place around a person during a healing session. Temporary grids are meant to be set up and worked with for short-term use.
An example of less permanent grids (semi-permanent) would be crystals which line flowerbeds or ring trees. They are probably there at least semi-permanently, unless one moves the flowerbed or decides to re-arrange. Another semi-permanent grid might be on top of your bird's cage or around the bed of your pet. You might construct these crystal grids with certain crystals, and then adjust as energetic needs change.
You can also make a permanent grid around your house or around your entire property. You may bury the crystal at the corners of your house, under each window, or near the doors. For your property, choose the four corners and space along the fence line if it is big. If you have a large property (many acres of land) you can make a small scale replica and grid that to represent your property. To do this, you would energetically ask each crystal to be present over a specific area. Again, let me hammer this home: Intent is the key. I have a grid built into my bedroom subfloor. This type of grid is obviously meant to be a permanent grid, as it would require tearing up the floor to move or change it. These crystal grids are meant to stay in place, since I'm not moving these grids, they are considered permanent.
Determining which type of grid you are setting up depends on use and placement. Access is the key.
An important thing to take into consideration is how you are personally affected by the energy of crystals, especially where permanent grids are considered. I had a friend who was unable to wear a crystal necklace for long periods because the energy gave her a headache. Being in a room full of crystals made her buzz and react like she'd just ingested a pot of coffee. I am on an even keel with their vibration (we mesh quite nicely), so I have never had this problem; however, it bears mentioning in case you do. If you have this sort of reaction to the higher vibration of crystal, it might not be a good idea to grid your bedroom. Instead, you might choose to grid the kitchen or the living room, but not your sleeping area. I have been living with thousands of crystals in my living space, in my bedroom and closets for coming up on twenty years. I am accustomed to the vibration and fare quite well. This may not be true for you, though, so be cautious of this knowledge when you position your grids, especially if it is a permanent choice, like building them into a room. A semi-permanent or temporary grid can always be moved if it's making you crazy. If you've already placed crystals in a permanent grid and you find they are a little too much, all is not lost. You can touch in with the crystals in your grid and request that they lower their energetic output for you.
You can also layer your grids. You may grid a room, then your house, your plants and trees and then your property. You may also layer energies or intents, for example, a room may be gridded for positivity and your house for protection and the holding of a high vibration.
Stay tuned for more on gridding with crystals. up next, grids for healing purposes.
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