Crystal People: Making the Connection
Enter into an in-depth discussion about the world of the Crystal People. In this blog spot we will explore the truth that crystals are sentient beings and learn how to connect with them. We’ll cover all areas of quartz crystal such as how they form, methods of cleansing, clearing and programming, how and why to make crystal grids and other tools, how and where to dig your own crystals and much more.
Storing Crystal - Best Practices
Hello fellow crystal lovers! In this blog post I am going to answer a question I recently received. It also addresses other questions which seem to pop up on occasion, one of which I will answer in another post.
Here is the question:
I have been purchasing tons of tumbles, quartz, and other minerals. Because I have a very destructive cat, I have to keep them stored in plastic craft boxes wrapped with bubble wrap or tissue. The fluorite seems to crack in shipment, or after I receive it. Do they mind being stored this way?
I have probably 500 inexpensive stones ranging from agate into the various quartz types. The fluorite seems to break no matter what I do. Sometimes they jump from my hand or I drop another crystal on them accidentally, etc. I didn't think of them as people, but I don't know what else to do... there are simply too many to store open and love everyday. I am brand new at this and don't know how to proceed. Thank you for your work. - K. S.
So, this actually breaks down into a couple of questions.
Number One: Is it OK to store your crystals away (rather than displaying them) and what is the best practice if you have a LARGE stone family?
Number Two: What about stones which are broken in our care? (Because it is a long answer, I will address this in the next post.)
Do crystals mind being stored away, wrapped in cloth or tissue, bubble wrap or plastic? This is a great question and one I have asked my own Crystal Guide, Venus. The answer I received is that no, they don't mind. They realize that there isn't always room to display them all. Like the questioner, you may have mischievous pets that like to push them off shelves and/or you simply may not have enough shelf space on which to set them (this is the issue I have).
We have our crystal family members on shelves all over the house, in baskets, bowls, jars and trinket boxes.
I also have them stored "away" in several places. For instance, in the (large) wooden jewelry box pictured above, and stacked on shelves in plastic totes, boxes, bags and tins. Some of which have been there for years.
As you might imagine, crystals are infinitely patient.
Venus reminded me, with an obvious wink and characteristic tinkling laughter, that they are accustomed to living in very dark places for very long periods of time (meaning in the Earth). Being in our boxes and storage areas, even if for yearsin our lifetime, is but a blink in theirs.
Ideally, and in a perfect world, you hear about keeping your stones wrapped in natural fabric (cotton, silk, etc), and this is great! I do this with stones with which I am currently working that are programmed toward a specific goal. Not so much with all my crystals.
In truth, any way that you can store them is fine.
If you have luxurious fabrics or fancy wooden boxes in which to keep your crystals, super! Conversely, if you have decidedly "unfancy" boxes, (plastic, wood, cardboard, whatever!), that is equally fine. Bags, (fabric, plastic, paper)... also fine!
Sometimes you simply can't manage to follow best practice recommendations such as wrapping each stone in a special cloth. Oftentimes this just isn't feasible. Believe me! If you are like me and have hundreds (thousands!?) of stones, you can't always do this. As long as they are as safely secured as possible, and placed where EVER they are placed with an attitude of thanks and love, that's perfect!
It is "good enough"!
Sometimes in your journey you may find it necessary that they don't even live with you in your home, but are packed away in a storage unit. Sometimes it is necessary they live in buckets or boxes in sheds, garages or even outside. This, too, is OK!
The point of this is NO GUILT.
The Crystal People love us unconditionally. They are here to help us to love ourselves and they certainly aren't here to judge us about how we have to store them.
That brings me to the only thing that IS important:
Unfortunately, sometimes out-of-sight can also mean out-of-mind. So, here's the main caveat in all of this: However they are stored, wherever they are stored... always be mindful that they are there! Touch in with them periodically.
You don't even have to do this physically. Mentally is fine. I like to do this during the full moon. I touch in by mentally going to each area where they are stored and ask that they receive the energy of the full moon to recharge and rejuvenate them. I imagine them (in the box, bag, storage area) and say "HEY! I love you!" As long as they know that they are thought of, it keeps the energy exchange between you and your Crystal Family flowing.
So, in summary:
Number one: The Crystal People don't mind how or where they are stored and number two: be mindful of your (stored) crystal/stone family and be sure to remember to touch base with them periodically! It's as easy as that!
Stay tuned next time for stones which are broken in our care.
Do you have special ways that you store your Crystal Friends or do you have thoughts or comments on what I've suggested here? If so, please share below!
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