Crystal People: Making the Connection

Enter into an in-depth discussion about the world of the Crystal People. In this blog spot we will explore the truth that crystals are sentient beings and learn how to connect with them. We’ll cover all areas of quartz crystal such as how they form, methods of cleansing, clearing and programming, how and why to make crystal grids and other tools, how and where to dig your own crystals and much more.

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Understanding The Crystal People

Hey Everyone! My apologies that this post is so tardy! The reason, however, I think is a pretty sound one. I have been busily promoting my newly published book Understanding The Crystal People: A Handbook for Lightworkers

I have struggled with the composition of this post, not wanting it to sound like a self-serving advertisement. However, how does one share both the knowledge contained in the book as well as the excitement in being published with fellow crystal lovers if not in this forum? 

Understanding The Crystal People is a working manual chock-full of excellent information, and is a book I would highly recommend to everyone who works with crystal, whether or not it was written by me. So, to resolve the question posed above, humor me and continue reading this post as if I was describing a book written by some "random awesome chick".

Firstly, who are the Crystal People? To explain, when we speak of the "Crystal People", it isn't a description of people who like crystals (that would be describing crystal people, in lower case... like dog people or cat people). The Crystal People are the Crystals themselves. As we discussed in an earlier post, they are sentient beings, millennia older than ourselves.  Here is a brief summary (and broad overview) of what is found in the book:


Including a channeled message from the Crystal People, imparted is the knowledge that crystals are sentient beings.  Genn takes you on a journey of discovery, following the crystals on their voyage from their inception deep in the Earth through their birth into the light and beyond. 

This crystal reference book is a must have for people who desire to fully understand their connection with the crystal kingdom and who wish to enhance their working knowledge of these majestic beings. 

(You can find a much more detailed summary, as well as several in-depth reviews, here: ( 

Being instructed by Spirit to finish writing the manuscript by 12/12/12, imparted was an intense feeling of urgency to get this information out, now, in the beginning of this new era; mostly because it is time for us to take back our power; time to listen to our inner guidance and value it as much as we do that of our respected teachers and gurus. You will learn how to do this (in reference to our Crystal Friends) in the book. 

This is information both learned and channeled over 20 years of working with the Crystal People. Portions of this knowledge have been touched on previously, in this blog; obviously, due to the format, the information is much more detailed in the book.

Most importantly, Understanding The Crystal People not only contains information, it contains instructions on how to go about creating and maintaining your own self-guided connection to the Crystal People. This book is about YOU and your impressions, guidance, and intuition. The book is a guide to help you recognize and take that power for yourself.

Here is some of the feedback from recent readers (who have only just begun reading and felt inspired to send their thoughts even before finishing):

"I received the book several days ago and have read 20-30 pages so far. Love it, love it, love it!! You have done a super fantastic job and thank you so much for writing the book and sharing your heart with all of us." NS

"I am only about 1/3-1/2 the way through it. However, I am loving it. It is a very enjoyable and easy read on many levels. At the same time it is in depth and full of information I have been wanting. It is unlike anything I have personally read on the subject of Crystals. It really is good. I recommend everyone go and get it if you can." TW

Finally, I will sum up with one of the full reviews of the book:

"Understanding The Crystal People is so much more than a book about crystals. A must read for all Lightworkers, and anyone who has ever felt drawn to the subtle energy of crystals, this book teaches us, through the profound and ancient wisdom of the Crystal People, how to reconnect with ourselves, which includes our own Divine purpose, and Gaia. Genn’s reverence for the Crystal People, important work in bringing them to light, in direct association with the immense knowledge that she gains working alongside them, is illuminated in this powerful read. Written in Genn’s humorous and warm way of Being, a format that is easy to understand, Understanding The Crystal People also incorporates practical advice and tools on how we can implement the teachings." Meg Adams, Social Media Specialist and Viral Publicist

Read the full synopsis, more reviews, and get your copy: HERE

Finally, switching from a reviewer of a book written by a "random awesome chick" and back to me, chatting with you; I offer my sincere gratitude for affording me the honor to share my knowledge with you, both here in the blog as well as in the book.

If you have questions, please, feel free to comment below or by email. I look forward to sharing much more about the Crystal People with you in future blog posts!

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Genn John lives in Arkansas near the “Quartz Crystal Capital of the World”. Since the early 90's, she has been a practicing eclectic witch, incorporating such paths as Crystal Wisdom, Wicca, Buddhism, Reiki, Shamanism, Light Language and more. Genn has been acting as the legs for the Crystal People as the Keeper at Arkansas Crystal Works, an internet-based source for crystals and crystal knowledge, since 1995. Having accepted the honor to be their voice as well, she is the author of Understanding The Crystal People: A Handbook for Lightworkers; a crystal reference book for people who desire to fully understand their connection to the crystal kingdom and who wish to enhance their working knowledge of these majestic beings. Genn has also published a 4 part series of coloring books which are a useful tool for anyone with an interest in learning the anatomical structures of quartz crystals. It features precise, extraordinary hand-drawn designs crafted especially for easy coloring and interactive study. Find the store and more at, or her blog at To connect: email -, facebook -, Instagram - gennjohn or Twitter @GennJohn.


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