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YIN/YANG QUARTZ CRYSTALS – Physically, What Makes a Crystal Yin/Yang ?

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The last couple of posts, we have been reviewing Feminine and Masculine crystals. Before we finish the three part series by talking about Yin/Yang (part Masculine, part Feminine) crystals, first a note:

As always, whenever I mention Masculine or Feminine in regard to crystals, people tend to flip their lids! This time was no exception. It would seem that in our societal complex right now, anything to do with "gender" is triggering knee-jerk reactions in people. If you find the use of these terms in relation to quartz crystal offensive, please take a deep breath and allow me to explain.

"Masculine" and "Feminine" are two of nearly FIFTY descriptions of types of quartz crystals. I am simply describing a type (Masculine equals clear, Feminine equals cloudy). These are not terms I made up or assigned to crystals, I am simply explaining names which have been assigned to types of quartz crystals and have been around at least the twenty years I have been doing this.

If you aren't of the school that believes that crystals are sentient beings (they are) then simply suffice it to say that when someone describes a crystal as physically "Masculine" they are referring to a CLEAR crystal. If they describe it as physically "Feminine" they are referring to a CLOUDY or MILKY crystal. It also bears mentioning that I am talking ONLY about quartz crystals here. Not other types of crystals and gemstones.

So, if you are reading this, and your eye starts to twitch because you think I am assigning gender roles to crystals, I am not...

Physically, we're talking about clear versus cloudy. That's it. Energetically, Masculine versus Feminine is another story entirely. It has less to do with how they present physically and more to do with what type of energy with which they present. OK? OK! Moving on!

This blog post will be pretty short and sweet since we have covered both Feminine and Masculinecrystals previously. Remember, just as with humans, simply because a crystal presents as Yin/Yang, Feminine or Masculine in appearance “anatomically”, it absolutely DOES NOT mean that it will also be "energetically" Yin/Yang, Feminine or Masculine. This is an important point. Just as with humans, many crystals masculine in appearance (clear) have feminine energy and many crystals feminine in appearance (cloudy) have masculine energy. Still with me?


Some crystals are an equal mix of both Feminine and Masculine, these crystals are called Yin/Yang. Lots of crystals are dense at the base but are more Masculine than Feminine, so these aren't normally called Yin/Yang. There are also crystals which would be described as a mix of Masculine and Feminine top to bottom (meaning an even distribution of clarity and milkiness throughout. This type isn't normally called Yin/Yang either. I typically call a crystal Yin/Yang if it is as close to 50/50 as possible (top half masculine/bottom half feminine), or sometimes 40/60 either way as long as there is a really strong area of demarcation where the masculine and feminine meet. Here is a picture with some examples of Yin/Yang crystals. Notice how clear they are at the top and how milky they are at the bottom and that there is an obvious area where the two meet: YIN-YANG crystalsSo, it's pretty basic. Yin/Yang crystals are half and half Feminine/Masculine. Not so hard! Basically that's it for the anatomy lesson!


Feminine = cloudy or milky Masculine = clear Yin/Yang = half cloudy and half clear.


Energetically speaking, we're talking about if a crystal presents with an energy which would be described as Feminine, Masculine or Yin/Yang: Feminine crystals might help us (both men and women) to get in touch with our feminine nature. They have a soft, yet deep, mysterious energy. Yin in nature, Feminine crystals are intuitive, nurturing and receptive. The energy is more diffuse. If the energy were compared to a light, it would be described as glowing (coming from all directions evenly). Masculine crystals are helpful when you need to get to the point; they have a sharp and direct energy. Yang in nature, Masculine crystals are more action-oriented and the energy projects rather than recedes. The energy of Masculine crystals is more focused and linear. If its energy were described as a light, it would tend to be a high power flashlight or even a laser pointer (directed out the end in a focused beam). Knowing that Yin/Yang crystals have an equal measure of masculine to feminine contained in them, they are good for attaining and maintaining balance.


In this set of three blog posts on "anatomy", we learned that:

  • Feminine crystals are called "cloudy" or "milky".
  • Masculine crystals are called "clear" or sometimes "water clear".
  • Yin/Yang crystals are half feminine and half masculine with an obvious area where the two meet.
  • Just because a crystal presents as feminine or masculine doesn't guarantee that its energy will match its anatomy.
  • Energetically feminine crystals help to connect us with our feminine nature and are have soft mysterious energy and are intuitive, nurturing and receptive.
  • Energetically masculine crystals help you get to the point. Their energy is sharp and direct and they are more action-oriented with projecting energy.
  • Yin/Yang crystals help us to maintain a balance of masculine to feminine traits/energies.

I hope you have enjoyed this discussion about the anatomy of Feminine, Masculine and Yin/Yang quartz crystals.

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Genn John lives in Arkansas near the “Quartz Crystal Capital of the World”. Since the early 90's, she has been a practicing eclectic witch, incorporating such paths as Crystal Wisdom, Wicca, Buddhism, Reiki, Shamanism, Light Language and more. Genn has been acting as the legs for the Crystal People as the Keeper at Arkansas Crystal Works, an internet-based source for crystals and crystal knowledge, since 1995. Having accepted the honor to be their voice as well, she is the author of Understanding The Crystal People: A Handbook for Lightworkers; a crystal reference book for people who desire to fully understand their connection to the crystal kingdom and who wish to enhance their working knowledge of these majestic beings. Genn has also published a 4 part series of coloring books which are a useful tool for anyone with an interest in learning the anatomical structures of quartz crystals. It features precise, extraordinary hand-drawn designs crafted especially for easy coloring and interactive study. Find the store and more at, or her blog at To connect: email -, facebook -, Instagram - gennjohn or Twitter @GennJohn.


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