Daily Moon Vibes: Flow in Tune with Mama Moon!

Astrologer + artist, Kathy Crabbe tunes into Mama Moon as she cycles through all 12 signs of the zodiac each month. Kathy shares these insights and transits with you to help awaken and strengthen your intuition. Included are affirmations and spirit animal medicine from her Elfin Ally Oracle Deck and Lefty Oracle Deck.

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Sagittarius Full Moon Oracle Reading (pick-a-card)

Peeps! It’s the Sag Full Moon on June 17 at 1:31 am PDT. Time to close your eyes, go within, get centered and then pick a card below from my handpainted Elfin Ally & Lefty Oracle decks. The Reveal is below. Blessed Bee!

Sagittarius Full Moon Reading by Kathy Crabbe


Card 1: Fairy in the Raw (Lefty Oracle)

Mantra: I am naked.
Affirmation: I am raw and beautiful in my truth.
Element: Air

If this card appears in a reading it’s time to get down to the naked truth. What do you need to face up to in your life with complete truth and honesty? Is there a part of your life or yourself that you are avoiding? It’s time to take off the rose coloured glasses and look at your life in all honesty right now. It’s not a time for judgment or righteousness, but purity, so open your eyes in faith and trust that you will be guided by truth and fairness.

In my own life, rawness and naked-ness mean simplicity and ease. I like going naked (privately) or wearing very few clothes or when I go out just dressing simply because it feels good. Likewise, so too does getting rid of excess baggage; storage items, junk etc. As I shed layers and de-clutter, both physically and spiritually, I get closer to the bone, the truth. Simplicity for me brings clarity and it frees me up to do more of what I love.

Card 2: Lovebirds (Elfin Ally Oracle)

Keyword: Together-ness
Meaning: Only you can decide what’s best for you; a loved one must wait their turn.
Reversed: Your will is overshadowed by another.

Affirmation: I am a lover.
Astrology: Gemini, Libra, Mercury
Element: Air

Medicine: You entice us to love more.

Card 3: Caava Kicks Butt (Lefty Oracle)

Mantra: I am strong.
Affirmation: I mean business.
Element: Fire

If this card appears in a reading it’s self-evident that you need to take a stand. Who or what needs the boot in your life? Bolster your strength and courage and do something about it. NOW. Reach out for support. You don’t have to do this alone. Your heart is in the right place and you WILL move forward. There is a time and a place to take action and that time has come. Don’t charge in madly until you know exactly what you need to do. Write it down or talk it over with a friend if need be. Then move forward, one spiked toe at a time and it’s done. Good work, brave soul!

In my own life I usually like to wait to take action in regards to a grievance until I feel the fire in my veins. I’ve prepared for that moment by thinking and talking it through so I’m ready with the power of emotion and intellect for when I do take action and it gets results!

Card 4: Owl-Heart (Elfin Ally Oracle)

Keyword: Besties
Meaning: This is a fine time for reflection and self-care.
Reversed: There is too much going on and you are stuck in the middle.

Affirmation: I am wise and playful.
Astrology: Moon, Saturn, Pluto
Element: Earth, Water

Medicine: Your wise-heart and owl-eyes guide us through the darkest hour.

About Kathy Crabbe

I am a bridge between this world and Faerie. Art is in my blood going back generations. I paint to survive guided by talismans: a white feather, being ‘on-the-road’, the Czech folk art of my mother’s family and my cartoonist grandfather who speaks to me from Beyond inspiring me to keep it light.

Sparkly Blessings!
Kathy Crabbe


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I believe in dreams, creativity AND inspiring my peeps to awaken intuition and joy, no matter what. As a practicing astrologer + artist for the past 26 years I’ve learned a thing or two and I’d love to share that with you! Creative tools such as my Daily Moon Vibes, Oracle Decks and Astrology Reports will help to awaken your intuition, which is essential for navigating these often crazy times. Learn more here: kathycrabbe.com


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