Urania's Well: Astrology for Changing Times
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Magickal Monday: Your Guide to the Week Ahead - 8/20/12
“But nobody can take away my inner freedom. It lives in the word, it will go on living thanks to openness [glasnost], when this will be read and heard by thousands of people. This freedom goes on living with every person who is not indifferent, who hears us in this country. With everyone who found shards of the trial in themselves, like in previous times they found them in Franz Kafka and Guy Debord. I believe that I have honesty and openness, I thirst for the truth; and these things will make all of us just a little bit more free. We will see this yet.” Marina Alyokhina of Pussy Riot
Wow, what a week last week, yes? Did you follow the headlines and see how the transits were reflected in the news? I suggested in last week’s post that with Venus in Cancer triggering the Uranus-Pluto square and the Sun and Mercury in the performer’s sign of Leo, women and the entertainment industry would be highlighted, and the sentencing of the Russian band Pussy Riot was the most prominent example of this. Once again, we see the topic of freedom fighters (Uranus in Aries) vs. governmental control (Pluto in Capricorn). Venus in Cancer weaves a feminine influence into the picture, as well as concerns about the homeland, the motherland. (You might want to read the full closing statements of the women of Pussy Riot. They are very inspirational.)
Speaking of homeland, Venus was also conjunct Julian Assange’s natal Sun, currently being opposed by Pluto and squared by Uranus, as he was in the news with his successful bid for asylum in Ecuador this past week. Now he just needs to get out of Ecuador’s London embassy and into Ecuador. The Mars-Saturn conjunction was evident in the authoritarian and harsh responses of both the Russian and British authorities to Pussy Riot and Assange.
Tragically, we once again had an appalling level of violence — something that we’ve seen repeatedly as the Uranus-Pluto square has been triggered — with shootings in Texas, Louisiana, and Washington, DC, all three of which resulted in deaths of law enforcement or security officers (Mars-Saturn).
I also theorized that the trigger of Venus to Uranus-Pluto along with the conjunction of Mars and Saturn might bring volatility back to the stock market, especially given the transits to the chart of the NYSE I mentioned last week. Instead, Saturnian caution ruled, with the DJIA trading in a remarkably narrow range until Thursday, as Mars conjuncted Saturn, when it broke to the upside, but volatile it was not. The transit of Uranus and Pluto to the Midheaven of the NYSE chart are longer-term than just last week, though, and we are still within several trading days of the Mars-Saturn conjunction, so we’ll see what happens early next week.
Now, on to the week ahead…
Just after midnight on Monday (all times are Eastern), the Moon enters the very social sign of Libra. Socializing at home or with family is a wonderful way of working with this Moon-in-Libra energy, but don’t forget that it will trigger the Uranus-Pluto square in the early afternoon. Watch for emotional outbursts, and try to be compassionate to those who are in emotional upheaval — this is a difficult energy to handle, especially if these planets are hitting planets in a person’s natal chart. Early in the evening, the Sun forms a flowing sextile to Mars, and then the Moon sextiles Mercury about an hour later. Need to stand up for something, take action, or communicate about an emotionally-touchy subject? Late afternoon/early evening will be best for this.Later that evening, the Moon square Venus then trine Jupiter make for pleasant times if you are careful not to over-react.
Tuesday’s major aspect is the Moon’s conjunction to Saturn in the evening, then it moves on to conjunct Mars early Wednesday morning. Sleeping through these aspects is not a bad way to handle them, but try some planning and goal-setting if you are awake.
Wednesday brings change, when the Moon heads into Scorpio (Hey Jealousy) and the Sun into Virgo as we move into the time of the abundant harvest. (Well, not very abundant on the drought-stricken Midwest farms, unfortunately.) The Moon trines Neptune in the morning (vision, empathy, inspiration, vivid dreams) and sextiles Pluto late in the afternoon (focused, empowered emotional expression). A sextile of Mercury to Jupiter helps heart-centered communication most of the day.
The big news on Thursday is Mars’ entry into Scorpio, the sign of its classical rulership. The planet is much happier in Scorpio than in Libra, the sign of its detriment, but what makes Mars happy doesn’t necessarily make us happy. This is a transit of considerable intensity and insight, of energy brought to bear on ferreting out whatever is hidden, and, with its upcoming trine to Neptune, there is a likelihood of this energy manifesting in a spiritual, metaphysical or magickal way. Mars in Scorpio can also presage violent outbursts — not that we need much help with that these days.
Friday will be a very Neptunian day, as the First Quarter Moon squares Neptune while the Sun opposes it. If you can take a half-day today, do it. There’s a lot of conflict between emotional needs, worldly realities, and hidden — sometimes deceptive — agendas. Not a great day for trying to pin anyone or anything down, and you can expect miscommunication through vagueness, lack of focus, or outright deception, as well as emotional manipulation through glamour, glitter, and smoke and mirrors. If you can spend the day relaxing and having fun, maybe exploring your psychic abilities, or meditating, you can put these aspects to good use. If you need to be firmly placed in the mundane world, however, stay on your toes. Confusion, illusion and foggy thinking will be very much in evidence. The Moon in Sagittarius trines Uranus in the evening — that’s a nice kick-up-your-heels aspect. Put on the glitter and go on out.
Saturday, the Moon, still in Sagittarius, opposes Jupiter then trines Mercury in the afternoon. This is actually a pretty inflationary setup, so have fun, but don’t promise more than you can deliver.
Early Sunday morning, the trine of Mars to Neptune perfects, and the Moon moves into Capricorn mid-morning. The Moon forms a sextile to both planets early afternoon. These can be useful aspects for bringing an artistic project into being, or doing a magickal working, as they offer depth of insight and feeling as well as excellent energy for manifesting a goal on the physical plane. The Moon’s conjunction to Pluto and square to Uranus later that evening brings us back to Earth with a thud. Or maybe a big bang — Uranus in Aries loves those explosions, both metaphorical and literal. Fight the trend — have a nice cup of chamomile tea, or your favorite adult beverage, and spend the evening relaxing for a bit if you can.
Bright blessings on your week!
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