Of course, I just can’t resist taking a look at Todd Akin’s chart. Observing the brouhaha that has flared up around his insane comments about rape, what planets do you think will be activated for him? The first one I thought of was Neptune, planet of illusion, fantasy, deception, untruth. Then probably Mercury, planet of communication, and Pluto, which is almost always active in some way in the astrology of fame or notoriety. Saturn, the planet of authority and restriction is a likely player as well.

We don’t have a birth time for Mr. Akin, so we don’t know his Ascendant or Midheaven, his houses, or the exact degree of his Moon (somewhere between 1 and 15 degrees Aquarius), but we can still deduce a lot from the planets, especially if we also look the chart for the time the story broke, which, according to the NY Times, was 11:24 a.m. on Sunday. (See a bi-wheel of Todd Akin’s chart on the event chart here.)

One of the first things we see is that Akin’s natal Sun in Cancer square Neptune in Libra aspect is right in the crosshairs of the current Pluto-Uranus square. The natal aspect gives a streak of otherworldiness and a desire to transcend a reality that is perceived as flawed. It also suggests an ability to shade the truth, to believe what he wants to be true, and points to a deep concern with his public image, as well as a tendency to look for pie-in-the-sky, feel-good solutions to real problems. This natal configuration is now under pressure from the ongoing transit of Uranus square Pluto, which was triggered on the day the story broke by transiting Venus conjunct his Sun.

Again looking at his natal chart, we also see a conjunction of Saturn and Pluto in Leo that is almost certainly in opposition to his Aquarian Moon. Saturn and Pluto together always indicate major issues around authority and power, while the Moon, of course, represents women and emotions. This aspect, particularly with an Aquarian Moon, suggests (despite his Cancer Sun) a coldness of emotional response, a focus on strict self-control, a fear of emotions, all probably underlaid by a crushing burden of self-doubt and guilt, that expresses itself with a certain amount of fanaticism.  So, given the nature of the small firestorm swirling around him, we would expect this aspect to be highlighted, and, indeed, it is. His natal Saturn and Pluto sit right on the Midheaven of the event chart, and transiting Mercury, planet of communication, is exactly conjunct Akin’s natal Saturn, approaching conjunction with Pluto, and probably oppose his natal Moon.


There are a number of other aspects of interest in this chart for those of you who are students of astrology. I’ll just point to some of them briefly — if you want me to unpack any of this in a bit more detail, just ask in the comments.

  • Note the Mars-North Node conjunction, which energizes his relationship with his mother (and, by extension, women in general) quite possibly making it a contentious one. It is currently being squared by Neptune, and conjuncted/opposed by the transiting Nodes.
  • His natal Venus-Uranus conjunction in Gemini sits in the 8th house (other people’s values) of the event chart, and is being trined by transiting Mars, still conjunct Saturn in Libra, both conjunct the Ascendant of the event chart from the 12th. Is this what encouraged him to break with his party’s authority and continue his campaign? What will happen next spring, when transiting Jupiter conjuncts the natal aspect?
  • There is an interesting midpoint picture of Mercury = Sun/Saturn and Sun/Pluto. This man wants to be seen as serious and insightful, and his conservatism runs deep. He may also suffer from depression, and a deep-seated sense of inadequacy.
  • Akin’s Moon is almost certainly trine Neptune, suggesting an emotional need to escape reality, to soften the edges.
  • His natal Mercury — all mother-homeland-and-apple-pie in Cancer — makes no Ptolemaic aspects, and so tends to run wild in the chart. Among other things, this means he will tend to get the bit in his teeth when it comes to communicating his conservative ideas.

Before we move into the upcoming week, there’s one more chart of an event in the news I want to mention. It’s the chart for the shooting at the Empire State Building, which you can see here.I’m sure you are not surprised to see Uranus and Pluto right smack on the angles of this chart. Also note that Mars had just moved into Scorpio (As I noted last week: “Mars in Scorpio can also presage violent outbursts.”). Note, too, that Mars is the planet that rules the police, and all the deaths and injuries, except the shooter’s one victim, were due to police bullets.

Venus is at the top of the chart in the 10th house (the shooter was a clothes designer, and his reason for shooting the original victim was because the man — his boss — had not been promoting his designs). Finally, there is a foggy, moody, delusional T-square of the Moon and transiting Nodes to the Sun-Neptune opposition. I would not be surprised to find that drugs — or perhaps a lack of drugs to treat mental illness — were an influence on the shooter.

Now, let’s take a look at the week ahead, which includes a Full Moon.

Monday, the Moon is in Capricorn all day — always a practical, business-like placement. Get your ducks in a row for the rest of the week at work, but be sure to listen carefully to what is being said, read between the lines, and make sure your own words are expressing your thoughts clearly, because Mercury is making a stressful sesquiquadrate aspect to Pluto. The Moon’s opposition to Venus brings a focus on comfort and emotion at the end of the day.

Tuesday morning, the Moon continues in Capricorn, and squares Capricorn’s ruler, Saturn. There will likely be challenges, possibly issues with authority, and nose-to-the-grindstone is probably the best way to handle this energy. A little before 2:00 pm (all times EDT) the Moon moves into Aquarius, and hopefully things will lighten up a bit. But she squares Mars in the evening — watch out for aggressive behavior, especially around afternoon rush hour.

Wednesday has some hopeful aspects, as the Moon trines Uranus very early morning, then moves to trine Jupiter early afternoon. Something new you’ve been wanting to try? Need some wind under your wings? These aspects may be just what you’re looking for. Today also brings a trine of the Sun to Pluto and a sextile of Mercury to Saturn. Think in terms of restrained, measured communication from a position of empowerment.

Thursday features a trine from the Moon to Saturn, bringing some emotional stability into the picture, but there is also a tense quincunx between the Sun and Uranus. If you are one of those people who thrives on detail and precision, you may find yourself quite annoyed by another’s “full speed ahead and damn the torpedos” attitude. If you are someone who loves to fly by the seat of your pants, you may find yourself at the mercy of a nit-picker. Just try to see the other person’s point of view. Later that evening, the Moon moves into watery Pisces, where it conjuncts Neptune. Sweet dreams!

Friday morning at 9:59 a.m., the Moon is full. The chart of the moment of the Full Moon sets the stage for the following two weeks. In this chart, Venus semi-squares the Sun and is sesquiquadrate the Moon, while squaring Saturn. The Moon sextiles and the Sun trines Pluto, all of this suggesting that expressing feelings and intentionally working to transform relationships will be necessary and healthy, but probably uncomfortable. Later in the evening, the Moon squares Jupiter — try to keep your emotions in check. Then Mercury moves into Virgo, one of the signs it rules, and squares the Nodes — this is a good time for an exchange of ideas, but don’t let conversations devolve into gossip.

There’s more of the same on Saturday, as the Moon in Pisces trines Venus, then Mercury in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces. This can be a very creative aspect, and it would be a good one for pathworking.

The Moon moves into Aries early Sunday morning, and the day has some difficult aspects. Once again, the Moon triggers the Uranus-Pluto square from take-no-prisoners Aries, and emotional upheavals are likely. Don’t try to force others to bow to your needs, and watch that others don’t try to insist that you bow to theirs. If you can get some calm and distance, this would be a good time to work on figuring out what has to change in your life if you are to get your needs fulfilled.

Until next week!