From the Oak: Let’s hear it for the God!
Many are those that focus on female divinities, leaving male divinities in the shadows if they get mentioned at all. This is a shame. Here I will share my thoughts, stories and prayers on male divinities. Currently focusing on divinities placed in an atheist "graveyard".
Ode to Ogun
I've been sitting on how to write about this divinity. Of all the cultural deities I've written about, the Orishas of Vodun and Santeria, tend to give me the most pause. I'm a child of the 80's, Angel Heart is alive in my subconscious I think. I spend a lot of time searching for something that I could, should write about Ogun. Today I stumbled upon a website that took me to my source. I give you my ode.
Creation started with a chain
From Heaven to Earth’s Waters
Obatala climbed down
Creating land, spreading Earth
Obatala could not organize life
His tools were too weak
So Ogun came down the chain
Giving the desire to survive
Before there was need for metal
Before there was the desire for technology
What was needed was awareness
The desire to make a place for self
Ogun brought vitality and aliveness
Down the Heaven’s chain
He is the source, the spirit
The desire, the will, the need to survive
Survival of the Fittest
Is his ultimate test
Everything else derived from this
Metal, medicine, technology
Yet there must be balance
Unchecked aggression and procreation
Makes for an unviable community
Something more was needed
Orunmila came down the chain
Saving Ogun’s efforts on earth
Giving guidance on ethics and morals
bringing balance to the wheel of creation
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