Paganistan: Notes from the Secret Commonwealth

In Which One Midwest Man-in-Black Confers, Converses & Otherwise Hob-Nobs with his Fellow Hob-Men (& -Women) Concerning the Sundry Ways of the Famed but Ill-Starred Tribe of Witches.

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13 Things It's NOT Transphobic to Do

International Day Against Homophobia ...


It's not transphobic to...


It's not transphobic to...

...Have your own definitions.

It's not transphobic to...

...Distinguish between biological and transgender.

It's not transphobic to...

...Have questions about the inclusion of transgender athletes.

It's not transphobic to...

...Disapprove of feeding hormones to children.

It's not transphobic to...

...Disapprove of irreversible gender-altering surgery for children.

It's not transphobic to...

...Say: “We don't have the science on that yet.”

It's not transphobic...

...Not to accept Current Leftist Orthodoxies just because they're the Current Leftist Orthodoxies.

It's not transphobic to...

...Find the phrase “Assigned male/female at birth” to be both misleading and dishonest.

It's not transphobic to...

...Find the phrase “Gender-affirming care” to be euphemistic to the point of dishonesty.

It's not transphobic to...

...Disagree about language.

It's not transphobic to...

...Think for yourself.

It's not transphobic to...

...Hate bullying of all sorts, including gratuitous accusations of transphobia.



Plus, on a Personal Note....

It's not transphobic to...

...Be concerned about the "transing" of gay youth.


80% of "trans" youth express same-sex attraction. 80%, folks.

That's not suspicious or anything.



Let me be explicit here:

Loving and supporting trans friends and family in their struggle for the right to be themselves

does not entail embracing any particular ideology, agenda, or set of definitions.

Anyone claiming otherwise lacks standing to make such demands.

No one has the right to tell you how to think.

No one.





Last modified on
Poet, scholar and storyteller Steven Posch was raised in the hardwood forests of western Pennsylvania by white-tailed deer. (That's the story, anyway.) He emigrated to Paganistan in 1979 and by sheer dint of personality has become one of Lake Country's foremost men-in-black. He is current keeper of the Minnesota Ooser.


  • Iris Soleil De Lis
    Iris Soleil De Lis Thursday, 02 January 2025

    You missed April Fools Day by quite a margin here. At least I assume this is a joke, because the title is exactly opposite the content that follows. The title should be, "How to be an intolerant, regressive bigot and show people that you're struggling with your own issues while trying to project them onto others." If you meant this in earnest, I hope you'll seek help.

    It's not transphobic to Disagree.
    - Ding ding ding! True!

    It's not transphobic to...Have your own definitions.
    - Meh. Could be true if it is about your OWN gender, body, etc., but it most certainly is transphobic to think you have the right to define someone else's.

    It's not transphobic to...Distinguish between biological and transgender.
    - Hmmm... Well, this is just indecipherable gibberish, so not sure what was being attempted here...

    It's not transphobic to......Have questions about the inclusion of transgender athletes.
    - Ding ding ding! This is true as long as you actually do your research on these questions, at which point you'll realize that 1) it is none of your business, 2) this is up to the people directly involved in each situation, and 3) it is transphobic to spout off about the lives other people you clearly know nothing about.

    It's not transphobic to......Disapprove of feeding hormones to children.
    - Hmmm... Nor is it transphobic to sprout wings and fly to the moon and back, but no one does either of these. No one "feeds hormones to children." However, it is being a sad bigot to butt into the business of others, their parents, and their doctors.

    It's not transphobic to...Disapprove of gender-altering surgery for children.
    - Fortunately, this isn't a thing. Surgery won't alter your gender. Gender is an identity. If an individual wants gender-affirming care, though, including surgery, then it is none of anyone else's business, and folks who think it is their should take their internal struggles to a therapist rather than project them onto others.

    It's not transphobic to......Say “We don't have the science on that yet.”
    - Could be true, but fortunately, we do have the science, and saying otherwise just means the person hasn't take the time to read the science, or has read it and chosen to go with regressive bigotry instead.

    It's not transphobic......Not to accept current leftist orthodoxies just because they're the current leftist orthodoxies.
    - And... the same goes for the regressive right. Thankfully, there is a great deal of history and science -- not to mention human decency -- that shows that the myth of a gender binary is just that, and that is is a relatively new fabrication in the course of history.

    It's not transphobic to......Find the phrase “Assigned male/female at birth” to be both misleading and dishonest.
    - Bzzzzt! Turns out this assertion is what is dishonest because it is both correct and respectful (two for the price of one!) to note the sex someone was assigned at birth, which is then conflated with their gender, as well. And for someone to go around spouting off about this only reveals their own internal struggles and confusion.

    It's not transphobic to......Find the phrase “Gender-affirming care” to be euphemistic to the point of dishonesty.
    - Bzzzt! It actually is! And it shows a very sad and concerning degree of ignorance, bigotry, and malice.

    It's not transphobic to......Disagree about language.
    - Could be true, but based on what you have here, it just shows ignorance and lack of curiosity to learn and show some basic human decency.

    It's not transphobic to......Think for yourself.
    - This is true! It would be great if transphobes actually gave that a shot, rather than allowing bigots and trolls to tell them what to think, and then posting things like this instead of thinking for themselves.

    It's not transphobic to......Hate bullying of all sorts, including gratuitous accusations of transphobia.
    - Ooh! I thought you were showing signs of hope there for a second, but sadly... nope. Based on the above, if you're getting accusations of transphobia, then they are spot on and you'll only find the bully by looking in the mirror, my friend.

    I do hope you'll reflect, get some help, and that 2025 will be a better year for you.

  • Steven Posch
    Steven Posch Friday, 03 January 2025

    Calling people names is no way to win allies, Iris.
    And I am an ally. Sorry you can't see that.

  • Janet Boyer
    Janet Boyer Sunday, 19 January 2025

    Completely agree on your entire list, Steven. Thanks for having the courage to share your thoughts.

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