Paganistan: Notes from the Secret Commonwealth
In Which One Midwest Man-in-Black Confers, Converses & Otherwise Hob-Nobs with his Fellow Hob-Men (& -Women) Concerning the Sundry Ways of the Famed but Ill-Starred Tribe of Witches.
Ghost Eggs
Ostara begins with a hunt.
On the Eve of the Equinox, we gather in the temple, but (O and woe!) the Goddess is gone; so we kindle lights and seek Her throughout the house. She Herself is nowhere to be found, but signs of Her presence are everywhere.
Well, it's a fortnight and odd days till we seek (and eventually, nether-faring to the Underworld, find) Her; meanwhile, the winter-scouring, the spring lustrations have begun. The sanctuary must be clean to welcome its Goddess's Return.
Only now I'm seeing ghost eggs everywhere, eggs that aren't there.
There's one, I'll think, reaching under the radiator, only to find that there isn't.
Finding eggs out of season happens often enough around here to be only mildly (if always pleasantly) surprising. (That's why we don't hide the real eggs, though.) The last turned up in December during the Yule cleaning. How has that managed to be there all these months without my ever seeing it? I always wonder, unwrapping and eating the oxydized (but still sweet: spring is always sweet, no matter when you find it) chocolate.
But now I'm finding ghost eggs, and nothing's there.
Is this Ostara past that I'm seeing, or Ostara future?
Wednesday, 06 March 2019
You have heard that they're predicting another foot of snow for this weekend, yes?
Sometimes--like any wheel--the Wheel gets stuck in the snow, and then we just have to lean in and give it a good push.
My feeling is that as witches, it's our job to turn the Wheel. Going with the flow is for slackers, stoners, and Taoists. -
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Perhaps these spirit eggs are reminding you not to grasp for spring before winter is finished...
Spring is coming...just dont grasp for it much as we want winter gone, it clearly isn't finished doing its work yet...