Let us lift up our hands.


Dread Lord seated upon the Dark Throne,

the span of whose antlers reaches from horizon to horizon;

Great Lady who descended into Night

because she would know all things, even the mystery of Death;

O you whose love first engendered our people,

along with everything that is:

we your children stand before you this day

and we call to you.

We thank you for the life and deeds

of your daughter, our sister Hilary;

we commend her, body and spirit, to your care.

We ask that the way be open before her,

so that in due course, rested and renewed,

she may return and be reborn once again among our people.

In the name of the Horns and the Wandering Moon

we ask it,

and let us all say:


So mote it be.



Hilary Lee Cook Pell Meyer

August 3, 1956 - February 26, 2023

Reborn to the People



A Service of Remembrance and Crossing-Over

will be held for Hilary at this year's upcoming Paganicon.

Details forthcoming.