Mere weeks after the end of World War II, a prosperous but widely-despised New York mogul takes his young wife on a skiing vacation to the Norwegian mountains. While there, she vanishes, apparently into thin air.

Interpol and the FBI turn up nothing.

Three months later, she mysteriously reappears, to all appearances unharmed. No explanation for her disappearance is ever forthcoming.

After a difficult pregnancy of nearly ten months' duration, she delivers an outsized, obstreperous baby with a head of unnaturally orange hair.

You will, perhaps, have wondered why, in certain circles, a certain disgraced ex-demagogue is known as “President Half-Troll.”


One of the great powers of story in every known human culture is its ability to explain the world as we know it.

Well, there's your story.

Explains a lot, doesn't it?