A Rite of Memorial


Crossing the River


Peter Bruner Soderberg

February 3, 1954 – June 1, 2014

Order of Service


Spiral Dance

(Chant: Round and Round)

Around and round and round and round we go

to birth and life again and birth and death again



Horn passes. People speak.

Worship and Libation

(Chant: Giver of Pleasure and Life )

Giver of pleasure and life, we praise thee:

father, brother, friend and lover


Procession to River

Commission of Ashes

(Chant: And So Return)

And so return, return, return, return to the Mother.

All over the world, the waters are breaking;

the waters are breaking all over the world.


Procession to Circle

Spiral Dance

(Chant: Round and Round)

Final Blessing


Song (all): Brothers, Now Our Meeting Is Over

Brothers (sisters, mothers, fathers), now our meeting is over; brothers, we must part,

and if I never see you anymore, I'll hold you in my heart.

And we'll land on the shore, we'll land on the shore,

we'll land on the shore, and I'll hold you in my heart.


Photo: Artemis Namaste