Pagans & Politics: The Power of Pagan Activism

Examine your feelings about political activism, from the smallest to the scariest steps, and find what you feel most comfortable with. Get in touch with your powers of manifestation as you move beyond self-directed concerns and integrate with your community, whether that be local, regional, national, or international. Feel your power to change the status quo and build solidarity with others who share your values, regardless of spiritual path. Power up!

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Cairril Adaire

Cairril Adaire

Cairril Adaire is a solitary Celtic Witch and lapsed Discordian. She is the founder of Our Freedom: A Coalition for Pagan Civil Rights. She is an entrepreneur and also a professional musician with the world music ensemble Kaia. She blogs at  
Magic for black lives and more

In these turbulent times filled with heightened politic activism, we have a handbook for how to enhance our effectiveness through magical means. Magic for the Resistance: Rituals and Spells for Change was written by Michael M Hughes after his worldwide #BindTrump working. It is a perfect blend of Paganism and politics. 

What's the meaning of #MagicResistance? It's for people using magic to serve others: the dispossessed, those with no voices, animals, trees, etc. Anyone can join. Use it to promote progressive, inclusive, and liberating trends. Move beyond magic for strictly personal growth and turn your talents and gifts to the wider world!

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  • Anthony Gresham
    Anthony Gresham says #
    From July 11, 2020 until August 19, 2020 I will pray the following before going to bed each night: "We hold these truths to be

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[Note: I wrote this several years ago before i knew much about trans people. please forgive the narrow focus.]

It’s August, it’s hot, and I’m pissed. Regrettably, only the first two are seasonal.

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The power of discarding war language

As Pagans, we know the power of words. In addition to dancing, drumming, and other power-raising activities, we use words to manifest positive things in the world. But what happens if we don’t interrogate the language that we use? What if we just repeat language we hear in our everyday lives? Changes are we will be manifesting the opposite of what we intend, not to mention adding to the negativity in the world. 


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  • Anthony Gresham
    Anthony Gresham says #
    When I got a copy of "Powwows; or the Long Lost Friend" off of Ebay, it was part of a two volume set. The other book was on Hawai

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This was a blog I wrote a long time ago, before I was introduced to the glorious world of trans. This post applies not just to the plain usage of "Women and children first" but the potential for stripping men (trans or no) of their value and dignity. It also applies to how some practitioners, especially Wiccans, identify womyn with receptivity and passiveness rather than passion and power. Hopefully you find this thought-provoking.

It's August, it's hot, and I'm pissed. Regrettably, only the first two are seasonal.

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Millennials leaving the Right

Since I founded the Pagan Educational Network in 1993, I have kept a close eye on the religious right (or “evangelicals”). I thought it was pointless to reach out to them since they had such strong prejudices and felt we’d have much better luck with moderates (which was true). But the religious right is dangerous to Pagans, from efforts by Senator Jesse Helms and Representative Bob Barr to strip us of constitutional protections to church-motivated violence against Pagans and damage to Pagan businesses.


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Adopt a Native Elder

One of my favorite organizations is Adopt a Native Elder. For $200/year you can "adopt" a Navajo elder and help supply them with critically needed goods and supples. You can also form a relationship with them. 

The elders are in dire poverty yet hold the wisdom of the tribe. They create beautiful traditional handmade rugs which they sell in a big show in March. If you can't afford the $200, you can donate in smaller amounts to help supply the materials needed to create the rugs. This contributes to the amelioration of poverty and supports an Indigenous tradition going far into the past.

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  • Meredith Gladwell
    Meredith Gladwell says #
    Thank you so, so much for sharing this information. I cannot wait to be able to get involved, this is definitely a serious goal no
  • Cairril Adaire
    Cairril Adaire says #
    Glad you liked it! While I was hunting around their website, I found 3 different ways to give, so there should be something for yo

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Resources for anti-racism work

This is the final in my series on racism in Paganism. It is devoted to resources we can use to educate and challenge ourselves with the long-term results of having a multiracial Pagan movement where all feel welcome.


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