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Revolution, Commitment, and Healing

How can we be effective revolutionaries if we get sick whenever the pressure goes up?


How can we create a new world if we don’t keep our commitments?


Is there a connection between these two problems?


Here are some thoughts:


– Revolution is not a drop-in project


– healing myself is a revolutionary act


– therefore: healing is not a drop-in project


– My words help create my reality


– self care begins by keeping my commitments


– I learn not to over-commit the hard way – by keeping every commitment I make


– if I use “not feeling well” as an excuse – I will not feel well later that day


– Showing up late means I am ambivalent about a commitment


– corollary: people that show up late are ambivalent about our work together


– People generally do exactly what they want to do


 – exceptions – dying and/or being strapped to a hospital bed; tending a sick family member; being stuck in an elevator; getting hit by a car or another person


– people who skip a commitment because they “don’t feel well” are doing exactly what they want – ie, they are choosing to stay home and be sick


– Getting a “cold” or “flu” means my energy is stuck


– my energy is often stuck because I am not keeping my commitments, and I “feel bad” about it


 – if I keep a commitment in spite of “feeling lousy” – I usually feel much better afterward


– “I can’t because I feel sick” is a self-perpetuating cycle – “I think I’m coming down with something” is a self-inflicted destiny


– “really being sick” means I must prioritize getting to a hospital or clinic over other commitments – it does not mean “I feel like I need to go to bed” – that is called “being tired,” and it is neither fatal nor contagious


– exceptions (times to stay away): head lice; exposure to measles, chicken pox, or other potentially contagious diseases; persistent vomiting or high fever – this is called “really being sick” – please skip your commitments and get to a doctor or clinic

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Luke Hauser is an organizer, musician, and parajournalist in the service of the Goddess and global revolution.


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