Say It With Tarot
Everything you want to know about Tarot--especially for contemplation, self-empowerment, personal growth and creativity--from Tarot expert, author and deck co-creator Janet Boyer.
78 Tarot Tips For The New Year
Imagine the cards of Tarot lined up to give you advice for the New Year. First the Major Arcana cards, followed by the Wands, Swords, Coins and Cups suit. Each card considers the wisdom it offers to you, and melds it with the anticipated wisdom of the next card.
Which of following 78 Tarot Tips for the New Year resonates most with you?
Major Arcana
The Fool – Leaps of faith invite magic.
The Magician – Creativity generates intuitive guidance.
High Priestess – Honed intuition nurtures the soul.
The Empress – Abundance benefits from boundaries.
The Emperor – Inner authority begets wisdom.
The Hierophant – Tradition determines our commitments.
The Lovers – Commitment fuels forward movement.
The Chariot – Force submits to grace.
Strength – Courage lends itself to individuation.
The Hermit – Solitude prepares for vicissitude.
The Wheel of Fortune – Fairness is but one setting on the Wheel…and never a guarantee.
Justice – The relentless pursuit of fairness halts progress.
Hanged Man – Reality upends less when practicing non-attachment.
Death – Once the rumbles of transformation settle, balance is restored.
Temperance – When caught between heaven and earth, always side with heaven.
The Devil – Chains explode when illumination dawns.
The Tower – Remove the roof to see the stars.
The Star – Hope is a star navigating us through uncharted waters.
The Moon – Only by embracing the dark can you appreciate the light.
The Sun – Earthly achievement pales in comparison to spiritual fulfillment.
Judgement – What is it to gain the whole world if you forget your soul?
The World – All the world’s a stage, and I am the writer, actor and director of my personal play.
Wands Suit
Ace of Wands – Original ideas and passionate purpose never go unchallenged.
2 of Wands – As iron sharpens iron, so does one man to another.
3 of Wands – Do it because you love it, not because you expect attention or applause.
4 of Wands – Even the most idyllic neighborhoods host troublemakers.
5 of Wands – Participation in high-spirited fun sometimes leads to unexpected victories.
6 of Wands – Hollow victories are the ones unearned and undeserved.
7 of Wands – When you view people as friends, resolution arrives quicker.
8 of Wands – Hurrying may lead to delays at best and disaster at worst.
9 of Wands – Choose your battles wisely, for some will lead to even more struggle.
10 of Wands – It’s a sobering moment to realize that most burdens are self-created.
Page of Wands – Usually, necessities are required before great quests are undertaken.
Knight of Wands – Inner Sight often guides trailblazers and renaissance souls.
Queen of Wands – Valuing our Inner Sight helps others to see clearly, too.
King of Wands – Exercising creative muscles often leads to mastery, then benefaction.
Swords Suit
Ace of Swords – First thought, best thought.
2 of Swords – Better to be hated for what you are than loved for what you are not.
3 of Swords – Going it alone makes for lighter travel.
4 of Swords – Calm focus prepares for activity.
5 of Swords – Healthy competition can pave the way to new discoveries.
6 of Swords – It’s easier to think on your feet when the proper groundwork has been laid.
7 of Swords – It only pays to be fast on your feet if you’re actually heading somewhere.
8 of Swords – A rut is a grave with the sides knocked out.
9 of Swords – A close mind prevents compromise and alliance.
10 of Swords – Forgiveness covers a multitude of sins.
Page of Swords – Harsh words stir up anger.
Knight of Swords – If you aim at nothing, you’ll hit it every time.
Queen of Swords – Reviewing in the early stages prevents mistakes later on.
King of Swords – No outcome is ever guaranteed, so go big.
Coins Suit
Ace of Coins – Jumping through windows of material opportunity may lead to monkey in the middle.
2 of Coins – Balancing tasks on your own time gives you an advantage when collaborating.
3 of Coins – Budgeting wisely protects sweat equity.
4 of Coins – A scarcity mindset perpetuates loss.
5 of Coins – Suffering opens our heart to the struggles of others.
6 of Coins – Giving without expectations erases the need to keep score.
7 of Coins – Taking stock early on makes for less work later.
8 of Coins – Dedicated effort brings personal satisfaction and material reward.
9 of Coins – Enjoying abundance is your birthright.
10 of Coins – Your future isn’t defined by your lineage or the past.
Page of Coins – Tackling chores as they arise creates the habit of completion.
Knight of Coins – Extraordinary discoveries are made amidst caution and care.
Queen of Coins – To feel rich, appreciate the intricacies of the natural world.
King of Coins – How are profits and losses measured in the business of humanity?
Cups Suit
Ace of Cups – Knowing you deserve goodness paves the way for comfortable intimacy.
2 of Cups – Better to have deep love with one than shallow ties with many.
3 of Cups – Cliques and chicks can prevent beneficial solitary pursuits.
4 of Cups – Familiarity breeds contempt, but sadness results when it disappears.
5 of Cups – Better to regret something you’ve done than something you haven’t.
6 of Cups – Your past doesn’t equal your option-filled future.
7 of Cups – Confidence in your selection leads to enjoyment.
8 of Cups – It’s only a vacation when you’re enjoying it.
9 of Cups – Food is not a substitute for human connection.
10 of Cups – It’s easier to navigate a cold world when love and warmth waits at home.
Page of Cups – Precocity will open the door, but ardency will keep you there.
Knight of Cups – If you can’t have what you want, then want what you have.
Queen of Cups – The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.
King of Cups – Provision for games and diversions pays great dividends during lean times.
-- © Janet
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