Say It With Tarot
Everything you want to know about Tarot--especially for contemplation, self-empowerment, personal growth and creativity--from Tarot expert, author and deck co-creator Janet Boyer.
Pythagorean Numerology Conversion Table
In the Pythagorean system of numerology, each letter of the alphabet is assigned a number 1 through 9. The numerology grid of the Pythagorean system is pictured above.
Tuesday, 04 February 2014
Hi Virginia! Does the Chaledean system assign numbers to letters, as well, which then determines certain name "vibrations"? I'd love to know more!
You know, i don't think pronunciation affects numerological assignation (long or short vowels) but, rather, the letter itself (as it looks). Not positive on this, though. -
Tuesday, 04 February 2014
Oh yes, the Chaldean numerology is used pretty much the same as the Pythagorean form.You can find charts all over the internet, and the meanings of the numbers is the same as well. I think it's simply an earlier version. The big difference is that no letters are given the value of 9, which makes sense because if you add those in, it wouldn't change the final number of any name or word anyway. 9+6=15 which reduces to 6, etc. The values are:
1: A, I, J, Y and Q
2: B, K, R
3: C, S, G, L
4: D, T, M
5: E, H, N, X
6: U, V, W
7: O, Z
8: F, P
Some of these (like the 6 letters) were derived from each other, A I and Y often sound the same, but others seem to be linked by how they look. It's rather mysterious, and isn't that appropriate as well? Try a few names with this system and see how it works out for you! I prefer it, but know others love the Pythagorean version. -
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I never found that the Pythagorean system worked very well for me, but when I discovered the "Chaldean" system, it started working well. It makes more sense to me since J and I used to be the same letter. I AM looking forward to your covering the number meanings. I do love those! Numerology does work. I also wonder if long and short vowels should have the same numerological significance. No system seems to address that!