In the Pythagorean system of numerology, each letter of the alphabet is assigned a number 1 through 9. The numerology grid of the Pythagorean system is pictured above.

All double digits are combined into single digits, except for the Master Numbers 11, 22, and 33. So if I were to calculate my name, Janet, the result would be:
Thus, the name Janet would be a 5 name in the Pythagorean system of numerology. 
Here's the vibrational correlations between numbers and letters according to the Pythagorean Grid: 
Number 1: A,J,S
Number 2: B,K,T
Number 3: C,L,U
Number 4: D,M,V
Number 5: E,N,W
Number 6: F,O,X
Number 7: G,P,Y
Number 8: H,Q,Z
Number 9: I,R
There are various elements to numerology with regards to names. For example, the numerical value of the consonants of your name is known as your Persona Number. This is the “face” you show to the word…your presentation. The Personal Number is akin to the Ascendant in Astrology. 
The numeric value of the vowels of your name is known as your Soul Number. This number describes your inner being—aspirations, yearnings, goals, and motivations. This number is akin to the Sun sign in Astrology.
In future posts, I'll cover what each number value means.