As the Summer winds down towards the Autumnal Equinox, we are in between two seasons. In this time of transition, we stand at a crossroads, one foot in the Waxing Year, one in the Waning. Hot sunny days give way to cooler nights. The rains are more frequent and last all night, and out in the garden I am bringing in a harvest as well as getting ready to 'winterize.' Most trees are still vibrant and green, but here and there you can see a tinge of rusty red or a shock of yellow leaves. The light thickens like honey, and even as we are enjoy the last days of Summer's warmth and light, we already sense the slow steady pull downward, towards the Descent and the darkening days of the Waning Year. Right now we stand suspended between these two seasons, and for a brief moment we feel balance.

Balance is the law that governs all of nature, but it rarely shows itself as a static, tranquil point. The balance I'm talking about is a dance, a commotion of interconnected and interdependent parts that make up the living systems of our planet. The plants, animals, land and weather all interact and act upon each other, effecting the very shape of the landscape. Any change or disruption to one part of the web will be felt throughout it. Those changes can be for good or ill, but they are unpredictable and may take a long time to reveal themselves. At Mabon, we stand in a place of balance where many possibilities are open to us. We strive to come to a still point of balance, amidst change and potential, where we can take a moment and see where we are, in our lives and the Year, and the webs of connection that make up our own lives.

So where do we find our balance? How do we accommodate all the obligations we take on, with all the wants and desires we have? Can we see where our lives are out of balance, where we may be feeling depleted or unsure, the parts not meshing smoothly? How do we come back into balance? What 'course corrections' do we need to make to get back on track with our lives and our magick? Mabon offers the light to see things clearly, and the compassion to see things kindly. We are grateful for the harvest we are bringing in, and we honor the labor and sacrifice that went into it. We honor the abundant season, even as it changes into something else.


 Our lives are change. We ourselves are constantly transforming, as the seasons of our lives ebb and flow. We do not remain in balance for long, because the push and pull of our lives doesn’t stop. At Mabon we take a moment to stop, to listen, to feel our bodies on the Earth, to enjoy the pleasures of food and fellowship with those we love. We give thanks to our Gods, the Gods and Goddesses of the field and the forest and the orchard, who are literally showering us with blessings right now. Take a minute to feel those blessings, and to give thanks for that moment of balance and peace.