Strega Nona Entertaining: Conjuring Creative Fun
From recipes to rituals, I will kindly divine the perfect celebration for you!
The Wolf Moon That Lingers
This seemed all too apropos for me to post as close to the night of the Full Wolf Moon as possible. It was so bright with the colorful halos around it this weekend, it already appeared all the way there. Alas, I ran out of time with my schedule yesterday, but since the moon’s lingering beauty and power will remain at least three days more, this is still relevant. It is a special time of year, for those two items alone. To me, the wolf symbolizes resilience, perseverance, and inner resolves. Making the most of our reserves, if you will. Unless you are a purposeful lone wolf, there’s no reason not to draw on some help from the pack (or our friends and family) when we need to. At the beginning of the year, this January Full Moon also brings with it, an air of mystery of the unknown. The year is new, awaiting us and we have yet to see how exactly things are going to unfold. There might be some fear, caution, or trepidation with these looming question marks. This could also be coupled with excitement, anticipation, and a healthy sense of adventure. I’m going to lean in harder to the latter, myself. Facing the fear and doing it anyway, feels about right at the moment.
Scary Stuff
Speaking of shaking hands with the big scary out there, I will be sharing my intimate “Colleen Confessional” on my podcast, “Women Who Howl at the Moon” this month. It can be a little vulnerable and unnerving sharing some of my deepest thoughts with a microphone for 30-40 minutes and putting them out there on the Interweb for all to hear, but I am definitely one to trust my instincts.
A Lot to Howl About
So, I hope that you will enjoy my share and what I have to muse on in detail this year. Something tells me the theme will focus on tapping into feminine/Goddess power. I was watching a high school version of the riot grrrl-esque “Six,” yesterday. I had seen it once before, and the lyrics, music, and theme greatly resonated with me. It’s all about taking back herstory in a very sassy and spirited way. I believe in my core, now more than ever is the time to band with our like-minded sisters, draw on our resources and rally against the toxic old boys club dying its last breath, desperately clinging to power, and struggling to stay relevant. It has begun to poison the minds of young men and pollute insecure women’s sense of self-worth and judgement. Quite simply, it needs to be given a proper burial at this point. Mainly because at this point and time, it serves no one for the greater good. Equality, partnerships, justice, and protecting each other from oppression–these are the things that should matter. I hope you will join the call and howl with us with all of your might in 2025, friends. Be sure to do a bit of moon bathing over the next few eves and bask in the possibilities of what is to come–what you can make come to be.
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