Strega Nona Entertaining: Conjuring Creative Fun
From recipes to rituals, I will kindly divine the perfect celebration for you!
Winter Solstice Balance
Now is the time to go inward, and I myself am welcoming it tenfold. It has truly been a whirlwind of a year, and allowing ourselves the time to reflect and regroup has begun. Stock up on your candles and light them. Slow down the pace and take the time to just be. Planning how you want the coming year to unfold and considering what has worked and not worked in the past–all seem to be in order.
Balance and Burnout
Traditionally of course, this is always the time of the season for much socializing, merriment, and activity. Although it’s often fun and easy to get caught up in the flow of this, balance should be considered. We should recognize the times that we feel suddenly overwhelmed and are on the brink of burning out. At those moments, it’s really key to step back out of the spotlight and let others have their turn. Retreat, regroup, recharge. Hey! I think I’m going to make that my motto through the end of this year, as it comes to a close.
Hoodoo and a Hedge Witch
On our podcast, “Women Who Howl at the Moon,” we have a special visit with Deborah Voith, proprietor of the (now online) magical supply shop, Bewitchingbee. She discusses the differences between hoodoo and voodoo, methods of divination, what being a hedge witch means, and how she likes to honor the Winter Solstice with many candles. It’s a good listen, and so many of my wonderful guests, especially over the last two seasons, have come by word of mouth. All of the recommendations have manifested in other new acquaintances, and for that I am so grateful. Thank you for listening, thank you for reading, thank you for being there. If I have been able to inspire you, make you think, or even just amuse you–then I am a happy camper. See you in 2025…
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