Strega Nona Entertaining: Conjuring Creative Fun

From recipes to rituals, I will kindly divine the perfect celebration for you!

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Your Very Own Pagan Pride Parade

The more traditional American holidays can leave some of we Wiccans and Pagans feeling a little left out and blue. Here are some ideas for taking pride in ourselves and where we live– as the old Francis Scott Key ditty goes: "the land of the free, and the home of the brave." Get your magical-minded buddies together for an outdoor picnic. For this, I would suggest your friendly, less populated county or state parks. If you are concerned about the forest ranger making the rounds, hold the festivities in your own (or co-host with one of your guests') big back yards instead.

Cook special dishes of significance to you. Cakes and Ale or Cakes and Wine are always an easy crowd-pleaser. Per Patti Wigington, at the website: "The Wiccan ritual known as Cakes and Ale is often celebrated as a way of thanking the gods for their blessings. Cakes are usually just cookies prepared in the shape of crescent moons, and the ale can be alcoholic or it can be apple cider, juice, or even water." Here is her recipe:


3/4 cups soft butter

2 cups brown sugar

2 eggs

1 tablespoon lemon juice

2 teaspoons grated lemon rind

2 cups flour

1 cups finely chopped walnuts (optional)

Cream the butter in a large mixing bowl. Gradually add the brown sugar and mix well. Add eggs, lemon juice and rind. Mix until well-blended.

Stir in flour and walnuts. Cover and refrigerate overnight. When chilled, shape dough into one-inch balls and place 3 inches apart on greased cookie sheet. Bake at 375 F for 8 minutes. Allow to cool before serving. 

One note– personally I would only use ale, wine, cider or juice for this particular ritual. It makes it more of a special offering than just water.

Invite others to use blessings and magical intentions to their fare to bring and share. Build a fire together in a safe pit and after your meal, join hands in a circle and sing some rounds of these Pagan favorites:

"May the Circle be Open"

May the circle be open

But unbroken

May the peace of the goddess

Be ever in your heart

Merry meet and merry part!

And merry meet again!


"We All Come From The Goddess/Hoof And Horn"

We all come from the Goddess: And to her we shall return

Like a drop of rain: Flowing to the ocean

We all come from the Horned One: And to him we shall return

Like a flash of light: Shining from a fiery storm

Hoof and horn, hoof and horn: All that dies shall be reborn

Corn and grain, corn and grain: All that falls shall rise again

"We All Come From the Goddess," by Z. Buddapest 

"Hoof and Horn," by Ian Corrigan (lyrics adapted)


"Earth My Body"

Earth is my body (bending at the knees with palms facing the earth)

Water is my blood (making a motion with hands at womb level)

Air my breath (hands reaching up)

And fire my spirit! (clap hands above head)

Repeat these pleasant chants, breaking into harmony and rounds. Move in a circle, lead off into a spiral dance around the yard or site. Clap, make some noise. Be loud and proud. Today, celebrate your independence and your natural pride.



Photo, "Campfire," by frankly242 at

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Colleen DuVall has written articles, plays, short films, and a novel. Most recently, her work has been featured in her new blog, Off The Beaten Path for the Shepherd Express online (, and the Wisconsin Life radio show for WPR. She recently adopted a little grey and white cat named Tessa, after beloved 22-year-old Bootise passed on.


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