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As a Goddess-centric Witch, I am always looking for new ways to connect with the myriad of global goddesses. Even though I know that I can have powerful relationships with different goddesses from the comfort of my home, I’ve also got a bit of a travel bug, so when I am wandering in new places, I try to hold myself open to spiritual experience and divine intervention. Sometimes, though, I only realize how magical the experience was after the fact. I'll be exploring these different experiences and goddesses on this blog.

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Where in the World?

Goddess Travel: Where in the World?

Hello from the new kid on the Square! I’m excited to be joining this community and sharing my experiences with y’all.

As you probably guessed from that last sentence, I’ve fully adopted the dialect of my southern home in North Carolina, although to be fair, I was already using y’all when I lived in Michigan (I worked with a Texan in college, if that’s any excuse). Other than the accent, I love the diversity of both the mundane and magical communities here, and I’m so happy to make my home in the Old North State.

As a Goddess-centric Witch, I am always looking for new ways to connect with the myriad of global goddesses. Even though I know that I can have powerful relationships with different goddesses from the comfort of my home, I’ve also got a bit of a travel bug, so when I am wandering in new places, I try to hold myself open to spiritual experience and divine intervention. Sometimes, though, I only realize how magical the experience was after the fact.

I’ve been blessed with a husband who likes to wander almost as much as I do, and together, we’re trying to fulfill our travel dreams one piece at a time. Next on the dream list? Turkey. This probably won’t manifest soon, but I’m in no rush. Despite my deep travel lust, I’m also deeply rooted to my home and routine, and I love coming home almost as much as I love departing for new places.

I hope you’ll enjoy my magical musings and reflections on the different goddesses I’ve met along my winding path. First up: I’ll be celebrating the upcoming anniversary of my first trip outside of North America with reminiscences of China and the lovely Quan Yin. Watch for this post later in May.

Thank you for letting me add my voice to the chorus here at PaganSquare! I’m so excited to sit and rest a spell with y’all.

Namaste, and blessed be.Street art in Florence, Italy (I snapped this shot in 2004)

Street art in Florence, Italy, taken 2004

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Tagged in: Goddess travel
Jen McConnel first began writing poetry as a child. Since then, her words have appeared in a variety of magazines and journals, including Sagewoman, PanGaia, and The Storyteller (where she won the people’s choice 3rd place award for her poem, “Luna”). She is a poet, a novelist, and a goddess-centric witch with a love of all things magical. Her first nonfiction book, Goddess Spells for Busy Girls: Get Rich, Get Happy, Get Lucky, is out now from Weiser Books. A Michigander by birth, Jen now lives and writes in the beautiful state of North Carolina. When she isn’t writing, she teaches writing composition at a community college. Once upon a time, she was a middle school teacher, a librarian, and a bookseller, but those are stories for another time.


  • Rebecca Buchanan
    Rebecca Buchanan Thursday, 25 April 2013

    Welcome to PaganSquare! :) I look forward to reading your posts. If you can find a copy, I recommend Goddess Sites: Europe by Anneli Rufus and Kristan Lawson; it's out of print and (a bit) out of date, but should still be useful for planning your trip. :) The Savage Breast by Tim Ward is good, too, as it chronicles the author's travels to various sacred sites.

  • Jen McConnel
    Jen McConnel Thursday, 25 April 2013

    Thanks for the welcome! I've read (and loved) Savage Breast, but I had not heard of Goddess Sites...I appreciate the recommendation! :)

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