Cascadia Druids: White Mountain Druid Sanctuary Blog
White Mountain Druid Sanctuary (WMDS) is a Druid inspired Pagan site in Trout Lake, Washington. This blog describes the planning and creation of the Stone Circle, Shrines and physical surroundings that are being built there.
The Daghda and The Morrigan Shrines
The word Shrine can bring up various images for people from large buildings to a small niche in a wall. The physical size and complexity of the Shrine is not so important as its purpose. A Shrine is a place or structure regarded as holy because it is associated with a divinity, spiritual being or something held sacred.
Druidism tends to be focused on the outdoors, the land and the environment. A modern day interpretation of ancient Druidism will take today’s indoor oriented culture into account in some way. At White Mountain Druid Sanctuary, there are two completed Shrines standing to the southeast of the Stone Circle. They are placed outside and like all of the White Mountain Druid Sanctuary structures are made to endure every kind of weather including nearly 6 feet of snow and ice every winter.
Shrines to The Daghda and The Morrigan, winter 2016
In the drier, warmer months, one can wander to each Shrine, leave offerings and light incense, and sit on the benches nearby and dwell on the Sacred and mundane worlds.
Shrine to The Daghda, Summer 2016
Above is a picture of the Shrine to The Daghda, God of Abundance and Magic. The artwork displays modern interpretations of some of his ancient stories from his part in great battles of the time to his relationship with The Morrigan. The small shelf under his image holds incense, a way to light it and a bowl to put it in. The fire altar in front of the Shrine is for bigger offerings and has the ability to hold a small fire. The bench is for meditating, allowing the mind’s voices to still and hearing the murmurings of the Kindreds. Each Shrine is a place for prayers, blessings and offerings.
Shrine to The Morrigan, Summer 2016
About ten paces away from the Shrine to The Daghda is the Shrine to The Morrigan, Goddess of the Battlefield and Transformation. Her artwork depicts images of the dead on the battlefield. Historians think ancient people prayed to her to stay away from their loved ones involved in war. For many people, she was a goddess to be made offerings to and avoided. Today, many folks look to her for transformation and help with the grief and pain of change. She too has a bench for meditation, prayers and offerings.
Both Shrines have metal roofs and concrete walls covered in Stucco. In the background, are farm buildings and the free range chicken runs. Beyond that are the mountains.
Next time: Shrine to Lugh and more
Shrine to Lugh with Daghda and Morrigan Shrines in the background, winter 2016
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Beautiful! Thank you for sharing