Fine Art Witchery: Where the Arts & Magick Meet

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A Power Sigil

I initially published this post over at my Patheos Blog this morning, but I feel it's quite relevant to share here as well, as it's about sigilcraft - and finding our own power. 

This morning, as I put inked brush to paper, my hand trembled.  I’ve been using brushes for over 35 years, and I can’t remember a time when my hand shook like this, from the emotions welling within.  I could have probably used a Micron pen to offset it, but my gut said ink and brush.

So much is at stake, at risk, and in danger – yet these are the times we were made for.  I seek to exchange my tears of fear and dread – for those of determination, spawn by the winds of revolution.  I have put brush to paper, intent into action by crafting a sigil for all of you who need protection and guidance against the impending storm.  To summon its power and remind you of your own. To be a beacon to get us to time of the Star, navigating safely through the time of the Tower.

Description of the Power Sigil and the meaning of its parts:
The largest part of the form is a 5-pointed star, representing protection and the elements that make us up: earth, air, fire, water, and spirit. Within that star is a second star, another layer of protection and a balance of conflicting identities, shining against the dark and the unknown.  Within that star is an open circle representing an egg, a seed of truth, the eye of calm within, potential.  Extending out from each arm of the larger star are tripled-barbed arrows.  They guide our energy outward, reaching while protecting, their points finding purchase in what they pierce. Flanking each internal chevron of the star is a crescent moon – its horns protecting the vulnerable areas, while also representing the waxing and waning of the moon, of ideas, of waves.  There is one for each of the next 4 years, with a 5th to mark the rising of a new era of hope and change.  Behind each is a black dot – a point of origin or destination, a new moon’s energy of facing fears and banishing the dark within and without.

I present it to you here in two variations – overt/upward pointing, and invert/downward pointing.  I believe that the star, regardless of its direction, represents duality, both masculine and feminine energies.  The intent is the same for either direction, but one may appeal more visually to you and/or be more safe for you to use in the face of ignorance.  It is a mark to remind you of your own power, and to take action.

I welcome you to share this sigil, to use it in your home, at work, on your body.  You can print it out to look at, draw it again and again for yourself, make into a talisman, tattoo it on your body, trace it during meditation – whatever helps you activate it. I ask that you simply please respect my copyright of the design by not reproducing it for profit, and contact me for permission for additional uses or questions.


Thank you and so mote it be.


Last modified on
Laura "Tempest" Zakroff is a professionally trained visual artist, designer, writer and a Modern Traditional Witch. Her artwork explores the realm of Myth and the Esoteric and has been featured in numerous publications and shows across the world. She is also is a world-renown belly dance performer and instructor, focusing on sacred and darkly inspired fusions that pull from the traditions of North Africa, the Middle East, and the Mediterranean. She is based in Seattle, WA.


  • michael Kennedy
    michael Kennedy Thursday, 10 November 2016

    I love the symbol design the only thing that I would have done differently would be to make the center circle the ying yang symbol.This would also show balance not just male and female but the duality in everything. Further more I plan to check out this sight in more detail I like a lot of what I'm seeing .I have just sighed up.:D

  • Laura Tempest Zakroff
    Laura Tempest Zakroff Thursday, 10 November 2016

    Hi Michael! The ying yang symbol isn't something I work with in my own path, but you're more than welcome to tweak the sigil for it to incorporate your own beliefs. To me, the inverted star at the center represents both masculine and feminine, above and below, etc - in its shape as well as how it interacts with the larger star. But like I said, nothing to stop you from adding your own symbolism to it. Cheers!

  • monica
    monica Thursday, 10 November 2016

    would it be ok to make some for my family. I would like to have my kids that are in military bases to keep them safe since they know and respect my believes.

  • Laura Tempest Zakroff
    Laura Tempest Zakroff Thursday, 10 November 2016

    Hi Monica! Yes of course! As long as it's not being reproduced for sale/profit without my permission, you can use it as you like. :)

  • Kim
    Kim Sunday, 12 March 2017

    Thank you for sharing this sigil with us. I am curious about the variable shading between the smaller (inside) pentacle and the larger one. Is it a reproduction and some of the shades are lighter or is there another reason some of the triangle shapes appear filled in and others are left white? Or is it just my wacky monitor screen?

  • Laura Tempest Zakroff
    Laura Tempest Zakroff Sunday, 12 March 2017

    Hi Kim! The art you see here is a scan of the original drawing, which does indeed have a wash of grey inside that varies just a bit in each space. In the art for patches/t-shirts, etc, I have cleaned that area up because it makes silkscreening easier - and folks are welcome to do either variation.

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