Gnosis Diary: Life as a Heathen
My personal experiences, including religious and spiritual experiences, community interaction, general heathenry, and modern life on my heathen path, which is Asatru.
Chaos in 3 Acts
There always seems to be a general level of chaos whenever I take up temporary residence in a hotel. During my trip to the deep desert near here, the chaos was generally funny and / or positive, aside from a couple of flickering light problems when we first arrived at our room.
Part 1
The bathroom light and fan were on the same switch but wouldn't come on at the same time. Then I threw my wet bikini in the bathtub and it landed with a big thunk sound and the fan came on. There was apparently literally a loose wire that was fixed when the floor below it was hit.
There was a story involving socks that Tom and I thought was hilarious while it was happening, but when I told it to mom she didn't laugh, so never mind that part. If I can't get across how funny it was when I tell the story in person, it isn't going to come across on the internet either.
Part 2
One day Tom left his sunglasses in the lunch room and another student brought them out to him. The next day when we left the lunch room he double checked to make sure his sunglasses were on his hat. I saw them. When we got to the range he tried to put them on and they weren't on his hat. Fortunately he had a backup pair. When we were packing to leave he found his sunglasses, in a zipped compartment of his range bag, inside their zipped hardcase.
Part 3
On the evening of the fourth day of class, we had planned to celebrate finishing the class by going to the steak house at The Nugget. That was Tom's tradition from back when he was going to Frontsight by himself, for his job, starting back in 2001. (He went for his continuing education as a federal law enforcement officer. He's not the only LEO or military member who goes there for that and brings a lady along.) Anyway. So we get to the steak house and it's closed. It's closed because it's Monday. Now remember, Tom has been going to this place every time he finished a class for the past 16 years. If it was normally closed on a particular day you'd think he would have noticed that by now, right? So anyway we ask the Nugget's bartender for a recommendation for another steak house (another high end steak house in Pahrump? It's a tiny town, what are the chances?) And we end up at The Symphony at the Winery. Which is truly a fine restaurant, elegant and with its very own exceptional wines made on site.
On the way home, I told Tom, "The Chaos took away one steak house and gave back a better one. Sounds like Loki's work." Of course I was referring to the story of Sif's hair, and Tom being a fellow Asatruar, he understood what I meant. Tom thought Thor should get the credit for Sif's hair, since Thor's family was the beneficiary of the gifts, rather than giving credit to Loki. We politely disagreed on the subject of that myth, and smiled.
Image: Sunset in the Mojave Desert by Steve Berardi, via flickr creative commons marked free to use or share
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