Gnosis Diary: Life as a Heathen
My personal experiences, including religious and spiritual experiences, community interaction, general heathenry, and modern life on my heathen path, which is Asatru.
Sif's Wheat, Part 2: Her Idol
The Sif doll seated on the harvested wheat. This is a Lithuanian doll that I bought in an amber shop along with some amber in 1989. Shortly after I dedicated part of my garden to Sif last year, I was walking past the display of folk art in my house where I used to display this doll and it called to me to dedicate it to Sif. So I did a dedication ritual, which I related in my post A Doll for Sif. I moved the doll to my Spiritual Souvenir display, which is kind of a wall altar.
I almost always make, remake, or repurpose things to dedicate rather than buying things new for that purpose. I feel that conserving resources is part of how I live as a heathen.
I plan to thresh, winnow, grind, and bake this wheat into bread. I might hand crack some of it with a mortar to make some cracked wheat to mix into the bread dough. In the meantime, Sif can enjoy it through her doll. When I'm about to thresh, I'll put the doll back in the wall altar, and I'll select a beautiful wheat seedhead to put in with her.
Image: a doll sitting on a basket of wheat. This is a photo I took.
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