Hedge Witch: Into the Wilds…
Let me take you on a journey through the wilds of nature and back to the roots and bones of witchcraft, a natural witchcraft that works with the seasons and all the natural items that Mother Nature provides drawing on magical folk lore with a dash of hedge witch and gypsy magic too.
Columbine/Aquilegia magic
(Aquilegia Canadensis, Aquilegia vulgaris)
These little beauties are flowering all over my garden at the moment and they love to self seed.
They are perennial plants found in fields and meadows...and my garden.
The Latin word for eagle is ‘aquila’ which reflects the shape of the flower petals as they resemble an eagle’s claw.
Columbine comes from the Latin word for ‘dove’ as the flower looks like five doves all sitting together (honestly it does…go have a look).
Although the plant corresponds to the element of water I would also work with it as an air plant with the bird connection.
Use in all love magic as it has the power of Venus attached to it. This flower is also a favourite with the world of Faerie.
Carry the flower with you to bring courage.
Add the flowers or seeds to your bathwater to help you gain clarity in a situation.
Use the leaves and flowers in any workings to dispel jealousy.
Columbine/Aquilegia Magical Properties:
Love, courage, faeries, clarity, jealousy
Ruling planet – Venus
Element – Water, Air
Gender – Feminine
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