Ariadne's Tribe: Minoan Spirituality for the Modern World

Walk the sacred labyrinth with Ariadne, the Minotaur, the Great Mothers, Dionysus, and the rest of the Minoan family of deities. Ariadne's Tribe is an independent spiritual tradition that brings the deities of the ancient Minoans alive in the modern world. We're a revivalist tradition, not a reconstructionist one. We rely heavily on shared gnosis and the practical realities of Paganism in the modern world. Ariadne's thread reaches across the millennia to connect us with the divine. Will you follow where it leads?

Find out all about Ariadne's Tribe at We're an inclusive, welcoming tradition, open to all who share our love for the Minoan deities and respect for our fellow human beings.

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The Top 5 Minoan Path Blog Posts Ever - Including the One that Just Won't Go Away

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Last week I looked at the top five blog posts of 2021, a couple of which surprised me. Then I decided I wanted to look back over the seven years (time flies!) that I've been writing this blog and see which posts have been most popular over the long term. In this case, four out of the top five surprised me - and one didn't. At all.

Herewith, the top five Minoan Path posts since I began this blog in 2014, from least popular to most popular. Have you read them all?

The Crane Dance: Walking the Worlds. Number five out of the top five, and a bit of a surprise. I guess people are coming to this one by googling "crane dance," since there isn't a whole lot of information out there about it. This blog post compiles what we know from myth and folklore along with some of our personal experiences in Ariadne's Tribe that link it with the Labyrinth.

Call their names: the Minoan deities in Linear B: Another interesting one to make the top five. Though the Linear B tablets are just accounting records, they do allow us a glimpse into the religion at Knossos during the Mycenaean occupation - and that includes the names of a good handful of deities.

Meet the Minoans: The Great Goddess Rhea: I guess this one isn't so surprising, since people are often looking for information about the Minoan deities. Rhea is one of the Three Mothers who are at the top of the MMP pantheon. Like many of the Minoan deities, she was borrowed into the Olympian Greek pantheon, but we like to focus on her as the Minoans probably saw her.

Tying a Sacred Knot: Another surprise - I wonder if people are finding this one when they're searching for information about the Egyptian sacral knot that belongs to Isis. It turns out, the Minoans had something similar. They also had a piece of looped and knotted fabric that we have taken to calling the sacral scarf, to distinguish it from the sacral knot. The article discusses both.

And finally, the number one Minoan Path blog post of all time:

Topless Minoan Women: Not What You Think: I wonder how many people found this post when they were looking for something else entirely! The bare breasts that are so common in Minoan art have long fascinated people for a variety of reasons. Believe it or not, there's some genuine sacred significance to the "toplessness" that's everywhere in Minoan art. You'll just have to read the post to find out what that might be.

In the name of the bee,
And of the butterfly,
And of the breeze, amen.


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Laura Perry is a priestess and creator who works magic with words, paint, ink, music, textiles, and herbs. She's the founder and Temple Mom of Ariadne's Tribe, an inclusive Minoan spiritual tradition. When she's not busy drawing and writing, you can find her in the garden or giving living history demonstrations at local historic sites.


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