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PaganNewsBeagle Faithful Friday August 22
It's Faithful Friday, and we have a cascade of articles on how faith — Pagan, Heathen, polytheist, or Christian, Muslim, Buddhist -- affects our lives, our planet, our societies. Theology of Ebola, What Would Krishna Do?, introverted Paganism, honoring our ancestors, and a Pagan Time Capsule fill this edition. Enjoy your weekend!
Is sickness an indication of divine wrath? It's not a trivial question, as demonstrated in this article from Slate on how the Ebola outbreak in Africa is influenced by belief in the omnipotence of the Almighty.
What would Krishna do? This interview in the New York Times examines the philosophical underpinnings of Hinduism, and how they differ from the Abrahamic paradigm that tends to dominate discussions of religion and morality in American culture.
How does an introverted spiritual seeker find community? Blogger John Halstead discusses his journey from Mormonism to Paganism through the lens of a solitary in this post.
It's coming on toward Autumn (I can feel it, how about you?) and that's the time many of us honor our ancestors. Heather O'Brien describes the way that honoring her Christian ancestors deepened her Heathen practice in surprising ways.
To celebrate the 60th anniversary of public Paganism, Jason Mankey has been having a lot of fun with his "Pagan Time Capsule" series. Start here to read the whole series (to date.)
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