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PaganNewsBeagle Faithful Friday Sept 12
Today is Faithful Friday here at the Pagan News Beagle, the day we share interesting stories about religious communities around the world. Our stories today include the launch of the new Polytheist community website; a call for papers on Pagan and Goddess studies; animal sacrifice outlawed (in part of India); Chinese Buddhist brand building; American Muslims meet (and integrate better than Muslims in Europe.)
The new website launched recently and hopes to offer a variety of columnists (the site eschews the term "blog") from across this diverse movement.
The American Academy of Religion (Western region) announces a call for papers from a variety of faith traditions, notably including both Pagan and Goddess studies.
A secular court in the northern Indian state of Himachal Pradesh has prohibited animal sacrifice in Hindu temples.
A famous Chinese Buddhist temple is seeking a top media marketer in an unconventional attempt to spread its message.
This story at the Economist examines why American Muslims are more integrated with their society than their co-religionists in the EU.
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