Fiery Tuesday is here and the PaganNewsBeagle has new stories of activism -- and things that will make you want to get active -- today. Labor Day Blues (most Americans are too overworked to take time off); town of Greece is pretty clear which God they want civic prayers to address; the legend of Horatio Alger, and Pagan consent culture.

Did you take Labor Day (U.S. holiday) off? If so, congratulations. This story at the HuffPo points out a troubling trend: an increasing number of us are too overworked, stressed-out, and downright scared of losing their job to take vacation time.

Only One God Welcome: Slate's editorial points out that the recently permitted (by the Supreme Court) civic prayers of Greece, New York are only interested in addressing a certain well-known God.

In this well-written (and lengthy) article on the history of America's ideal of meritocracy the myth of "bootstrapping yourself to wealth" is examined and found to be, at best, a wee bit outdated.

Shauna Aura Knight's recent post "The Frosts and Consent Culture" takes a long, hard look at how modern Pagan culture deals (and avoids dealing with) ethical controversy in its ranks.