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PaganNewsBeagle Mighty Dead Edition 2014

Today at the Pagan News Beagle we are saluting seven of Our Mighty Dead -- Pagan (and Pagan-allied) leaders who passed over between Nov. 1, 2013 and October 31, 2014.

Who are the Mighty Dead? We defer to the definition given by M Macha Nightmare, “The Mighty Dead are those practitioners of our religion who are on the Other Side now, but who still take great interest in the activities of Witches on this side of the Veil. They have pledged to watch, to help and to teach. It is those Mighty Dead who stand behind us, or with us, in circle so frequently.” Today we remember Donald Michael Kraig, Judy Harrow, Morning Glory Zell, Jeff Rosenbaum, Peter Paddon, and Pete "Pathfinder" Davis. (Addendum: Sparky T. Rabbit.)

Donald Michael Kraig, died March 17, 2014. Author of numerous books, including "Modern Magick: Twelve Lessons in the High Magickal Arts" and acquisition editor at Llewellyn Worldwide. Obituary at the Wild Hunt.

Judy Harrow, died March 20, 2014. Author, Priestess, activist, early leader of Covenant of the Goddess.
M Macha Nightmare remembers her friend Judy Harrow.

Morning Glory Zell, died May 13, 2014. Co-Founder of Church of All Worlds, Priestess, polyamory pioneer, beloved wife of Oberon Zell. An obituary at the Huffington Post. (A 70 page downloadable PDF tribute to Morning Glory can be found at

Margot Adler, died July 28, 2014. Author of first mainstream book about Pagan culture (Drawing Down the Moon), journalist, lecturer, Wiccan priestess and New York correspondent for National Public Radio. An NPR remembrance.

Jeff Rosenbaum, died in August, 2014. Founder of the Association for Consciousness Exploration (ACE), and the Starwood Festival. Ian Corrigan's tribute to Jeff Rosenbaum.

Peter Paddon, died on October 23, 2014. Writer, magician, publisher and host of the Crooked Path podcast. An obituary by Cory Thomas Hutcheson.

Pete "PathFinder" Davis, died on October 31, 2014. Best-known for founding the Wiccan denomination the Aquarian Tabernacle Church (ATC), Pete also founded the Pagan children's organization Spiral Scouts. Pete is being remembered at the ATC facebook page the ATC will release a formal obituary later this week.


Sparky T. Rabbit, died June 2nd. Ritualist, liturgist, performer, and Witch, remembered by Steven Posch.



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  • Lady Pythia
    Lady Pythia Monday, 03 November 2014

    Thank you, Anne. This was a heavy year for most of us....
    You may want to delete Jeff R if you want to list Pagans, as Jeff was an Orthodox Jew who repeatedly made it known that Starwood was not a Pagan festival...altho it might be able to call itself that in the future.
    Feel free to delete this if that is enough info

  • Anne Newkirk Niven
    Anne Newkirk Niven Monday, 03 November 2014

    Thanks, Lady Pythia, I'll modify the post to state "Pagans and Allies."

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