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PaganNewsBeagle Watery Wednesday Community News Nov 5
In today's Watery Wednesday post, we concentrate on news about our Pagan communities and their allies. Big changes at the Wild Hunt; Pagan scholarship prizes; crowdfunding a Pagan funeral; SilverRavenwolf vs. Facebook; and animal sacrifice in Paganism, pro- and -con.
Big news on the Pagan Media front: The Wild Hunt founder and frontman Jason Pitzl-Waters steps down and leaves the keys to TWH media kingdom with new editor Heather Greene.
The Pantheon Foundation announces the winner of their 2014 Diotima Award prize for a Pagan seminary student.
Family of the late Pagan podcaster Peter Paddon is fundraising to cover the cost of his funeral.
Pagan writer Silver Ravenwolf has been targeted by the "no real name" trolls of Facebook and she's fighting back. Read her story on her blog here.
Speaking of fighting... the battle over animal sacrifice in Paganism has moved to the Wild Hunt. Check it out (there's a lot of pro- and con- arguments) here.
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Heather Greene has been the managing editor of The Wild Hunt for a year now, taking the operational reins when Jason Pitzl-Waters assumed the title of Founding Editor. It's not surprising that some believe she's a "new editor," given the invisible nature of the work, but it's also not accurate.