PaganSquare is a community blog space where Pagans can discuss topics relevant to the life and spiritual practice of all Pagans.
PaganNewsBeagle Watery Wednesday Nov 12
In today's Watery Wednesday community news, we've got news that focuses on our many intertwining communities: an upcoming divination conference; The Wild Hunt's editor Heather Greene; Paganicon announces its headliner for 2015; a Witches' memorial; and a magickal woodland handfasting. Enjoy your day!
An upcoming conference in New York promises to explore the mysteries of divination. Check out all the details.
Heather Greene, the leader of The Wild Hunt (Jason P-W announced his departure a couple of weeks ago) introduces herself in this heartfelt editorial.
Paganicon -- a Pagan conference/festival held in Minneapolis/St Paul each March -- recently announced this year’s guests of honor, Selena Fox and Lupa Greenwolf.
From the PaganNewswireCollective Minnesota Bureau comes this wonderful story about Victoria Slind-Flor and her trip to a Witches' memorial in Norway.
A Facebook follower sent us this story about a magickal woodland Pagan handfasting and I just had to share it with you.
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