A Faerie Haven: Living in Myth, Being Magic
For some people, magic isn't something they do, it is what they are. This blog focuses less on theory and more on lyrical mysticism, applied spellcrafting, experiential awareness of Divinity, and related topics. A haven for you who long to become your myth and live your poem. Faerie tales do come true.
In Gratitude for Pagan Square
Something has happened on this site that delighted and empowered me.
I've repeatedly come across blogs here stating ideas that make me post a comment along the lines of "Me too, me too! I've been teaching my students that for years!" This is lovely for me.
Sometimes the blog in question, instead of proposing an idea I've taught but perhaps never put in writing, sets forth a concept I've put in a book or in a blog not on this site. Whichever is the case, I love reading like-minded individuals here.
For one thing, some of these folks are proposing opinions I've been trashed for in the Pagan community. Reading bloggers with ideas similar to mine shows me some of the camaraderie I have fighting the good fight.
Mind you, my students and other equally amazing friends could not be better companionship in trying to make the world a better place. They all work hard to make a positive difference, in their various fields. I'm blessed to have them shoulder to shoulder with me.
But I let the world's huge number of people being negative get to me, in the sense that I focused on naysayers sometimes instead of on all the wonderful people around me. That made me feel lonely sometimes, regardless of the great friends I have. (Silly me!)
So imagine how good it's felt each time a blog here elicited a comment from me like, "Oh my Goddess, I wrote that in one of my books, even though I knew a lot of people would not support it!" Felt great!
I'm grateful for busy bee Anne Newkirk Niven and her team of hard workers for creating a website where love abounds. The site's bloggers do the same, both those who think in ways similar to mine and those whose ideas differ from mine. Our savvy, heartfelt readers also make this online community special. To all involved: Blessings on your day.
And, on an unrelated topic, just to give you a laff, is a very serious little girl in the photo below. Instead of grown up Outlaw Bunny me, it's Little Rabbit shaman, lol.
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