A Faerie Haven: Living in Myth, Being Magic

For some people, magic isn't something they do, it is what they are. This blog focuses less on theory and more on lyrical mysticism, applied spellcrafting, experiential awareness of Divinity, and related topics. A haven for you who long to become your myth and live your poem. Faerie tales do come true.

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Phoenix Reborn from a Dragon, to Triumph

Stars are born from the vast darkness of outer space—the Goddess’ womb, the Goddess’ belly.


What if the fire flaring from the Dragon is in fact a Phoenix that has been born within the great darkness of the Dragon’s belly: a rebirth, the Phoenix rising again? That thought came to me in a meditation. It rang with truth—rang as a major truth—as one of the mysteries of dragon magic:


When we enter the darkness, the peaceful, fruitful darkness that is the Magna Mater, Mother of All Things, we have a chance to be born, a chance like no other, to be born as a star in the sky, reborn as a Phoenix who rises from the ashes of their own downfall to triumph as a magnificent, new and whole being.





Dear reader, please check out the Dragon Magic course: https://stardrenched.com/2020/02/06/upcoming-course-dragon-magic/. It will likely be years before I teach it again. Enrollment ends February 26, or before then if all available “seats” fill.

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Francesca De Grandis aka Outlaw Bunny is the bestselling author of "Be a Goddess!" Founder of The Third Road, a Faerie Shamanism tradition that she teaches through both text and oral tradition, De Grandis says, "I'm a trickster working for benevolent chaos Gods, so I don't play mean tricks." Bard, painter, mystical innovator, and busy elf who works part-time for Santa Claus, she blogs here and on her own sites, www.stardrenched.com and www.outlawbunny.com


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