SageWoman Blogs
Siren Songs explores a Feri/Reclaiming witch's experiences with the Divine.
God Is Self and Self is God: Musings on Godself and Living a Magical Life
Who is this flower above me,
And what is the work of this god?
I would know myself in all my parts.
~ Feri Flower Prayer
My work of late has been focused around surrender, specifically, surrendering to the moment and surrendering to the Gods. And first and foremost, I have to surrender to my Self, specifically, to my Godself.*
Danielle LaPorte recently wrote about asking for and receiving cosmic guidance. Her second suggestion really resonated with me:
2. Pay attention to your persistent thoughts
Guidance doesn’t have to come as a lightning strike or as a white dove on your fire escape, looking you in the eye. Guidance can be (and I think it usually is), those notions that you can’t get out of your mind. Persistent wonderings, recurring names, places, things — gentle heart cues.
I love the idea of paying attention to the persistent thoughts inside my head, the gentle tugging in my rib cage. It helps me recognize that the trans-personal is at the same time, personal...that magic is both awe-inspiring and humble.
Magic isn't just spells and potions. ~ Sally, Practical Magic
I often hear people talk about their "spiritual life" and their "mundane life" as if they were two ends of a spectrum of experience...and that can be so, and I believe it is so, for many people. However, I have found that listening to my Godself as it speaks to me, both in sitting practice and in general, mundane life (those persistent thoughts and feelings mentioned above) is one way that I ground my magical experience into my body and into my presence on earth. My Godself is my personal piece of the Divine, the definition of being both trans-personal and personal. What better way to live a magical life than to keep in close contact with my own divinity? That seems like practical magic to me.
Have you been listening to your Self? Are there nudges you have been ignoring? What is your piece of the Divine trying to tell you?
*(For a beginning discussion of the Feri concept of the Triple Soul, check out saraa's post on's Pantheon blog, Align Your Souls (Feri Part 6).
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