Messages to Humanity — A Dispatch on Numerous Important Subjects for Evolving Earthlings
Glean knowledge from Agnes, an Activator and Wise Elder’s personal experiences on the subjects of ceremony, community, rituals, new moon, focusing, mind body alignments, sacred sexuality, co-creative gardening, healing with hands-on, toning, Goddess & God, Spirit Grandmothers and Grandfathers of Time, initiations to enlightenment, pre-history, and much more.
The 6th Moon of the Year, July 20, 2020
The Strong Sun Moon is July 20.
It is presided over by my associate, Spirit Grandmother Badger Clan, one of 13 ancient adepts, called Spirit Grandmothers or Mothers of Time, who birthed the Earth at the Permian era. They are part of the "hierarchy of Judges",13th dimensional beings from different stars and planets, are a very high vibration.
She says it is time in this moon for balance, growth, greater health through the teachings of roots and medicines she planted on Earth. We planetarians have been out of balance. That results in all Earth Beings out of balance. We need to take responsibility for our health and well being, becoming our own healers.
Share her message widely, so that all will remember who we once were, who we can become again before Kali Yuga, this age of chaos and control descended upon us. Who may we become, who are we? Consciousness. And we need to get back to our roots, our Mother for her medicines, homeopathic medicines as well, her gifts to us. Our Creators gave us the perfect immune system. I would not let anyone tell me that they can enhance my immune system with a vaccine.
It is essential we get back to our roots, if we are to survive. We are at the 12th initiation of 13, according to the Spirit Grandmothers. They also recently said that humans are too slow waking up, most still living out of the three lower chakras. Share this message widely. More people need to wake up to create balance on our wobbly Earth.This is my daily prayer for 30 years. Will you make it yours?
We stand a chance to loose everything, everything we have gained. Then we have to go back to the beginning and start over, and it has happened approximately five times before. It is up to us to make the needed changes, WE HUMANS OF EARTH. I'm trying to do my part. Are you, my friends? I would like to suggest that once a week sit in meditation and look into your life, see what changes you could make, and how you may help others to wake up.
In the meantime, sing, dance, chant, touch the Earth, be joyful, for this is our heritage from Her, The Goddess, as well. InLakech.-C Agnes Toews-Andrews
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