SageWoman Blogs
The Edge of Her is dedicated to all who honor the edge of our creation through life's traditions, stories, and connections with the Divine Feminine. "When you can't go forward and you can't go backward, and you can't stay where you are without killing off what is deep and vital in yourself, you are on the edge of creation." ~ Sue Monk Kidd, Dance of the Dissident Daughter
Blog Category: SageWoman
Rearranging the World as She Knows
I dreamt of becoming a cartographer when I was young, positioning my body amongst a multitude of maps spread across my mom and dad’s living room floor, tracing the colourful lines with my tiny fingers. The mind dreamt into stories of the people who experienced Life along those routes between the small hamlets and major cities. As a student at Penn State, I chose to spend quiet time in the Map Room, nested within the behemoth library on campus. It was a quiet sanctuary which provided salvation amongst the congested intersections of a very full university experience. While living on the Florida coast, nautical charts captivated the open spaces of my mind in the years before my daughter came along.
A quick search on Wikipedia lists the definition of Cartography as, "…the study and practice of making maps. Combining science, aesthetics, and technique, cartography builds on the premise that reality can be modeled in ways that communicate spatial information effectively." My favorite aspect of this definition is almost every word of it! This soul sings and loves to shape and mold beautiful realities for the self and others. And while I did not "grow up" to be a cartographer per se, I am delighted to learn, at least according to this definition, I am still somewhat on the right path of creating, shaping, and directing the routes from "Point A" to "Point Present Moment". I would like to imagine us all as cartographers of the soul. This is an absolutely delightful thought on this quiet morning!
The Edge of Her is dedicated to our Edge of Creation and so, of course this woman is becoming more comfortable with spending time on her own edge. This is truly a brilliant, engaging, and exciting time for sure. And while I am feeling more vibrant and more creative than I ever have in this lifetime, am I feeling fear? Yes. At times I certainly do. Am I fatigued? Yes. At times I certainly am. But the momentum of accepting the invitation to explore new routes is so potent, that I just simply cannot deny myself the opportunity. New realities are begging to be modeled.
If, according to many sacred texts available to us, we are to learn and accept that each one of us is actively creating our own landscape, how we choose to react and create is our own story. Over the last two months, portions of my current journey have provided easy passage. Other portions have been a bit more challenging. Since my last writing, I have moved through very healthy transitions of a fifteen-year relationship… supported two very close and immediate family members who have been hospitalized with one transitioning brilliantly mid-September… moved my physical residence and am breathing energies into a new home as a single woman… have begun to embrace an entirely new career path… all of these while cherishing the daily blessings and challenges of raising myself as well as my daughter into honest existence. It’s been quite eventful!
I have embraced the fear and the fatigue which has come along with this current leg of the process. They have served as reminders of the Old Life from which I come. They are the thorn on the rose that is blooming Light and Love in more brilliant ways that I can even begin to share. The support coming through for my own journey and for all of us right now is more palpable than I have experienced before! We are certainly not alone, ever. By far, there is more evidence now that a much greater Cartographer is at work.
The lesson over and over, especially these last few years in fact, has been to surrender deeply and consciously into these spacious energies with open arms. We are to receive with gratitude the abundance upon which we are nourished. The Earth provides. Spirit helps to direct and invites us to inquire when the lines of the soul map become blurred. The power of Love is with us always, lighting the way!
Now that we enter the quiet, dark time of the year, this humble servant’s next route is to surrender even more so. For the deeper realization presenting at this time: we need not have to muck through the transitions and opportunities. Our only task is to lift our head, fully open the eyes and heart to see what is ahead. The path is clearer than it ever has been before.
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