Tarot Templates: A Card A Day Creates Magic

Tarot can be used for many things including futurecasting. This blog will focus on Tarot as a tool for introspection including spreads, readings, individual card explorations and investigating themes of Tarot. You can expect discussions of magical uses of Tarot as well. If you have a question, please send it for possible inclusion in a blog topic.

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TarotBlogHop: Beltane 2019


Joy Vernon is our wrangler this time around. She asked this question:


Theme: Tarot Continuing Education
  • What classes are you taking/recommending?
  • What are you doing to advance your knowledge/experience/abilities with tarot?"

I am just returning home from Readers Studio 2019 where my mind was blown open, filled up, squeezed so a little more information could be funneled in, then had the top completely blown off.  And that was just Divination day, y'all. 

The reason I firmly believe continuing education is a must is twofold.

1. I get stale if I don't keep bringing in new ideas.

2. Ain't nobody got ALL THE KNOWLEDGE.

So I packed two suitcases and one backpack then checked my ego at the door. I can't go into a place of learning with my ego out. Rock out with your ego out if you like. It doesn't work for me. In fact, my ego gets in my way a great deal. It tells me people don't like me or want to learn from me.  You think that's fear, right? It's also ego. Who am I to tell someone how they should feel about me. More so, who am I to make decisions for anyone else? So yeah, that's ego to me.

The first day I went into the city to the Pierpont Morgan Museum (225 Broadway. Write it down. GO.) I went with Monica Bodirsky (House of Shadows Lenormand is a keeper for me.) Now Monica is an artist who teaches other artists. She was a perfect museum date. We were both awestruck by seeing the photograph "Migrant Mother" on display. She pulled out things for me to notice when we viewed the original Visconti-Sforza Tarot cards. There was a Tolkien exhibit. I wanted to cry with joy when I realized I was looking at things he touched. TOUCHED! This happened with the Rafel piece I saw as well as the DaVinci. That paper was in their hands.

I'm in the airport This was such an enriching experience for me. I found such a depth of learning there is no way I can properly thank each of you. From the main stage, yes but also from the tables (I practiced table-hopping this time and felt like it was a better way for me to meet my fellow conference goers). Each of you gave to the energy of the conference which in turn created the flow of the event.

It gave me fresh eyes and, more importantly, fresh spiritual awareness, and so much more. Here's a note I wrote for the Readers Studio Facebook group.

Thank you to Ruth Ann and Wald for having the faith to put this "little get-together" out there. And thank you to everyone who took that leap of faith the first time and every time after that. For every "been there, done that" person, a "leap of faith" person came right behind you because you remembered to leave the door wide open.

My heart is full. My head is mush (but that will sort itself out soon.) My spirit is singing (thanks for that amazing spread, George.)If I were blessed with better memory, I would tag every one of you who attended because, in one way or another, your presence turned up my joy. Even if it was just watching you from afar (stalker much, Arwen?), you made a difference to me. Seek joy, y'all. Pass it on."


And I meant every word of that. 

Here's my down-and-dirty download of Divination Day. I'll do the rest of the conference on my personal blog so keep hopping through to find it. :D

Rana George, Lenormand expert and beautiful soul, helped us dive into Lenormand readings. She showed us how to do a simple, straightforward reading. Then she shoved us off the cliff into psychic Lenormand readings. I used my own Rana George Lenormand (art by Callie French) to follow her right over the edge. I got it. It clicked. I will be doing practice readings so watch for my volunteer call.

Next up, Heatherleigh psyched us all out by telling us rocks could talk. She said some other things but I'm sworn to secrecy (or she will smack me if she hears me making things up. lololol.) We each got a crystal ball. We all stared at our balls. No, really! That's what she told us to do. Okay, I'll stop. This class ended with a few folks speaking up about "I was a skeptic" or "I couldn't scry" but they ended saying, "I get it now." We all had a chance to buy our crystals if we wanted to. I had pledged that I  would not buy any more rocks. YEP, I've got a new rock. Dammit, Heatherleigh!

Then we got charmed by Carrie Paris (I may have these out of order!) Each table got a Milagros kit (so amazing!) We learned how to use charms, Tarot, and our own intentions to ask for miracles and thank the spirits for them. I am really shrinking down the enormity of what happened in this class. I have things to process still. 

So Lenormand, Charms, Crystal Balls all in one day caused me to have a brain leak! I was toast, y'all.  Just toast. But the next day was Friday so  I knew I needed to get my sleep. Ethony Dawn was hitting main stage.

Thanks for reading along. Leave me a comment! Have you ever been to a conference? If so, which one? If not, which one would you want to attend?

Seek joy, y'all. Pass it on.

I am back to doing readings so let's get booked.




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Professional Tarot conversationalist, Arwen Lynch has worked with Tarot as a vehicle for personal transformation since 1980. Her personal philosophy is that Tarot is best used to correct your life course. She is a published author (in romance, as Marilu Mann) as well as past president of the American Tarot Association (4/1/2007-4/1/2014). She specializes in helping people who are determined find their joy and writers who want to finish their book. She's an initiate of Wicca.


  • Joy Vernon
    Joy Vernon Thursday, 02 May 2019

    Thanks for letting us vicariously share in your post-conference high! I'm looking forward to hearing about the rest in your other blog.

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